Out cold

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Hey my pandas!! How are y'all?? I hope you're swell!

Haha I've been actually posting on time lately , I'm low key proud.

Anyways, on with the story! Enjoy :)


Normal P.O.V

The mages of Fairy Tail and Sabertooth just arrived in the city of Crocus. They were all on high alert, looking for anything that could relate to Sting or Minerva.

"Her hideout is in the middle of the city. Luckily, its early morning so the chances of us being seen are very slim." Rogue started walking, the others just behind him. Lucy however, was beside Rogue. She wanted to be the first person to see Sting.

Lucy was feeling very eager to get her hands on Minerva. Lucy was not a violent or cruel person in any way, but today she wanted nothing more than to place her hands on the throat of Minerva to make her feel even a sliver of the pain Lucy was feeling.

Her heart burned with the desire to hold Sting again. Minerva was the only one standing in her way, and she would destroy her to get her wish.

With her wandering thoughts, Lucy failed to realize that they were already in the center of the city.

Rogue led them to a rundown building, but before he could open the door, he faced the group one last time.

"Remember, in and out." He seethed before opening the door and walking down the winding stone staircase. The stair well was dark except for a few torches along the way.

Lucy's eyes only focused forward, seeing a new light ahead. Her heart started beating knowing that anything could be through the threshold.

Rogue signaled for the group to stay still. His body melted into the shadows, scoping out the area before coming back for the rest of them.

"Lucy, come with me. Everyone else, to your posts." Lucy followed Rogue throughout the space, turning down a long hallway separating themselves from the other members of her guild. Lucy felt a greater sense of uneasiness knowing that Natsu wasn't around, but she had Rogue, Sting's trusted best friend.

Lucy felt strong arms wrap around her waist, pulling her away. She craned her neck, seeing a small flash of blond hair.

Her eyes became heavy, and before she knew it, she was out cold.

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