Below is a list of the creatures of the Realm in alphabetical order. Don't be overwhelmed, the list gets easy to recognize!
Asidi (ah-sid-e): producers of venomous acid that can be expelled through spit or sweat.
Byphen: Moth-like creatures. Their wings are very valuable and rare. They are quickly becoming extinct due to being hunted.
Cjsks (c-jisks): A species that produces internal electricity, which runs through their veins. They have no distinct physical features that allow one to discern them, although occasionally their hair will stand on end due to overload of electricity.
Darklyes (dark-lees): Nocturnal birds of prey. They are small, swift, and have the sharpest talons of the birds in the Realm.
Death Collectors: Tall creatures with black irises. They are the decomposers of the Realm, collecting unclaimed dead bodies and then dining on them. Some within their kind called Readers possess the ability to read bones and/or the dead language.
Dracofilli (drae-ko-fill-é): Creatures that have been inducted to be the caretakers of dragons. Only those ages 4-15 may be a Dracofilli due to the belief that adults use dragons for greed or power. They are secluded to the Draco Mountains.
Dragons: Large, lizard-like creatures. Most possess wings and the ability to produce fire. All dragons are secluded to the Draco Mountains for their own protection and preservation.
Duchare (do-chair): a large bird species of the Realm that have red tipped wings. Preys on gnomes and small creature-children alike.
Elkland: a main source of food for the creatures of the Realm. Elkland are massive, docile, four legged beings with large amounts of meat.
Frozen Folk: Cold creatures that have pale skin and icy blue eyes. It is rumored that their hearts are made of ice, because when found dead, there is nothing but a puddle of water and bones.
Glareums: Large beings created of moving rocks. Precious gems serve as their eyes (rubies, emeralds, etc). Possess immense strength.
Gnomes: small, humanoid critters that burrow underground. They keep to themselves, foraging for berries and raising their young. They are seen as less-than-creatures in the Realm.
Tonist: the devout followers of the Witches, practicing the arts of tonic-making, inking,
Half-Pixies: Cousins of Pixies. They are often produced when a Pixie and an Infirmatur mate. They resemble certain Pixie features yet are much larger.
Infirmaturs (in-firm-a-tures): These creatures of the Realm are born without any special characteristics or special skills. Seen as the lowest of the low.
Kalieds: Considered the second lowest species, only their color shifting eyes set them apart from Infirmaturs. The colors reflect their emotions.
Red: anger, hatred
Purple: scared
Blue: sadness
Green: curiosity
Yellow: passion
Orange: excitement
Pink: confusion
White: surprised
Black: embarrassed
Ligna: Creatures completely composed of wood and twigs. A small percentage possess the ability to talk to vegetation.
Miskats: Small, furry, four legged creatures, black in color with grey rings circling their body. Male Miskats have bushy tails, while females have white underbellies once fully developed.
Ogres: Large beings that often have brown or green skin pigmentation. They are considered cousins of Glareum's.
Pixies: Often born with neon colored hair. They have pointed ears and typically have mischievous personalities.
Sanguinems: Extremely pale creatures that possess long upper incisors.
Shadow wolves: Creatures that resemble extremely large wolves, but can become semi-corporeal beings. They are strong, swift, and intelligent. Typically secluded to the various woodlands of the Realm in separate packs.
Sterlings: calm and obedient birds of the Realm. Most are used as a means of transporting packages and letters as they have large white wings and can carry up to six times their weight.
Szithoriths (scissor-iths): Snake-like beings that have scaly skin and long, forked tongues. Their eyes are red. They specialize in swiftness and walk without noise.
Valkyries: female creatures that are born with innate fighting skills. They typically specialize in a myriad of weapons.
Wendigos: (similar to horses) Possess large jaws and heads. They range in very exotic colors, and have two tails for supreme balance. They have obsidian black hooves.
Witches: Only seven are rumored to exist, the Seven Witches of Sage. Considered to be the most powerful creatures of the Realm as well as the origin of all creaturekind.
Zycanths (zy-can-ths): Bird-like creatures. All are born with small talons for fingernails and large noses. Some possess wings.
The Ashes Wake
FantasyWhen Raiden is told by the Sage Witches he must kidnap Trifica Larkin for the sake of their world he sighs a bit, complains a bit more, but ultimately accepts the task-as he always does. Guilt has a funny way of making him feel obligated. However, t...