Fubuki Atsuya (Ares) x Short!Reader - Christmas Special Day III

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On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me~🎶

A request from SnowPrinceAtsu22

Two Frozen movies with a side of oreo cookies~ 🎶

A very late Christmas I suppose ^^; But I'm still going to do requests the best I can. :) Btw, I have some awesome gifts for Christmas :D

Enjoy this one-shot! :D

"I just don't get it, Nae." You sigh as you and your friend, Nae are having lunch together outside in the snow, "Atsuya has been picking on me for unknown reason.... Well, mostly for my height. I mean, sure I'm shorter than him and the rest of you guys, but I'm taller than one of you!"

Ah yes, you, (L/N) (Y/N), are a player for Hakuren as a midfielder. You're very short in the team, but you're taller than another fellow midfielder, Araya Konko. Despite your short stature, you're pretty feisty and get easily annoyed. Especially when it comes to one of the aces, Fubuki Atsuya. You're first day of being in a team isn't a good one as Atsuya had made fun of your height. Since then, you two will constantly butting heads whenever you two encounter each other.

"You two do argue a lot, (Y/N)-chan." Nae place her finger on her chin as if she's thinking, "But I think the more you two argue, the more people will think you two are lovers."

"Huh?!" You retorted, "Who the heck love him?!"

"Atsuya is popular along with Shirou due to their looks and personalities." Nae pointed out.

"I understand Shirou's gentle personality. It's like a soft serve ice cream being place on a chocolate cookie that blends the sweetness together. The chill of the ice cream and the gooey chocolate chip from the cookie with a side of a tea makes it warm in my heart~" you said as you drool over on what you say.

Oh yeah, you're also a person who loves food to eat and even describe people with food.

"But Atsuya on the other hand," and then your tone change to a sour tone, "His arrogant and rude attitude fits for a sour cream with a side of cranberries that is ready to be squeezed every time his mouth spits out of something rude into the sour cream along with the sriracha sauce that resembles for his hot headed personality for a pie with a drink of pickle juice only to end up sour and bitter tasting."

Nae sweat dropped of your food and beverage description of the Fubuki brothers. She may have been your childhood friend for a long time, but she has no idea why you describe people with a full course meal.

"(Y/N)-chan, you're way of describing people is beyond me." she comments.

"Why thank you, Nae." you grinned as you finish your lunch and head back inside along with Nae.

"By the way, (Y/N)-chan," Nae began, "How will you describe me as meal?"

"A manju fill with red bean paste along with a springy mochi and daifuku that makes you bounce with joy and energy. Along with the manju is a popping soda flavor that matches the jumpiness and springiest. Just like your energetic personality, Nae." you said.

"Really? Thank you, (Y/N)-chan!" Nae reply happily.

~Time skip: With Fubuki Atsuya~

Atsuya collapse on his desk with a huge groan with an aggravated look. Wondering what happen to him? Let's flashback just a few weeks ago.

 ~Flashback: A few weeks ago~

Atsuya have been getting weird feelings ever since he and the shorty you have been arguing since they first met. As they constantly bickering each other, Atsuya began to have this weird feelings inside of him. Instead, he felt butterflies in his stomach as he saw you. He doesn't know how to get rid of them so he have been bickering with you nonstop. 

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