3.6K 23 1

It didn't take long for Lauren to realize that Emily was right. It only took a few weeks for the girls to get over a thousand followers, and Emily launched their premium content channel soon after. The girls spent hours every week doing different photoshoots and began filming videos of them wearing their diapers. Within a few months, the girls had over a thousand premium content subscribers. At $5.00 per subscriber, the girls soon had enough money to comfortably pay their rent, buy groceries, go out to eat, and fund their party lifestyle. Even Emily had to admit that her plan was working even better than expected. The ABDL lifestyle that Lauren pretended to live still gave her the creeps, but it was totally worth it for the amount of money that she was making. Working five to ten hours per week for thousands of dollars per month was an easy decision to make, even if it meant posing for pictures and videos in diapers that appeared to be wet and messy.

Life was good for the girls, and, now that they didn't need to worry about their finances or finding real jobs, Emily and Lauren were free to pursue their modeling careers once again. It was hard work, but the girls were determined not to give up on their dreams of becoming professional models. When they weren't taking pictures of themselves in diapers and onesies, the girls were busy taking pictures of themselves in bikinis and lingerie to send to modeling agencies or hitting the gym to tone their already near-perfect bodies. They even began to target modeling agencies outside of LA, sending photos to agencies as far away as New York and Paris.

The girls went months without seeing any interest from the modeling agencies until one Saturday afternoon when Lauren checked her email account, opening an email titled "Modeling Opportunity Meeting Request." Lauren read it aloud to Emily.

"Lauren and Emily,

I hope you are doing well. I am looking for two models such as yourselves to be the face of my new clothing line to be released next year. I am in LA for the next few days and would like to meet in person to discuss the details. Can you meet for coffee tomorrow afternoon at 3:00? I will be at Minochonet's Coffee on the corner of 18th and Robinson. I hope to see you there.


"Who is Sofia?" Emily asked, excited at their first email expressing interest in them as models since their first modeling disaster.

"The email signature says 'Sofia Ponomarenko' - whoever that is," Lauren replied. "Very funny," Emily replied, "who is it actually from?"

"Sofia Ponomarenko," Lauren repeated, "why is that funny?"

"You must be joking," Emily said in disbelief, "do you really mean to tell me that you've never heard of Sofia Ponomarenko? Have you been living under a rock your whole life? How have you never heard of Sofia Ponomarenko?" Lauren shrugged. "The billionaire?," Emily continued, "the founder of Timelessness Clothing and Fashion Planet Magazine? Surely you've heard of Timelessness Clothing and Fashion Planet Magazine!"

"I've heard of those," Lauren said, "but never of Sophia 'Whats-her-face.' How do you know her?"

"It's 'Ponomarenko'" Emily corrected, "and EVERYONE knows her. Or at least everyone with a brain knows her. I'm shocked you've never heard of her. Give me the computer. I'll show you."

Emily typed 'richest women under 40' into the internet search bar and scrolled until she found the article she was looking for - a recent financial article titled 'Top 100 Richest Women Worldwide Under 40.' She searched for a few more minutes until she found what she was looking for, reading it aloud for Lauren.

"Number 23 - Sofia Ponomarenko

Sofia Ponomarenko was born in Lviv, Ukraine, where she was raised in a working class neighborhood by her widowed mother. At an early age, she showed a genius-level aptitude for design, selling her first clothing designs at just sixteen-year-old. At 18, she was accepted into the Paris Academy of Fashion, Design, and Creativity, where she studied fashion design technique. Upon graduation, she founded her own clothing line, Timelessness, which is now a recognized brand all over the world. She is also the founder and CEO of Fashion Planet, a monthly fashion magazine that boasts millions of subscribers. Sofia sits on the board of directors for multiple other fashion, clothing, and news companies. At just 32-years-old, Sofia Ponomarenko is the 23rd richest woman in the world under 40 and the 52nd richest woman of any age.

Estimated net worth: 6.3 Billion US Dollars"

"Ok, I get it," Lauren said, "she's kind of a big deal. But I'm sure she didn't actually write us. No way would someone like that write us. It must be a scammer or some kind of stupid joke."

"You're probably right," Emily admitted, sighing heavily, "I just want it to be true so bad. Can you imagine if it really was her? It would be an opportunity of a lifetime."

"I know," Lauren said, "but there is a zero percent chance it's actually her."

"You're right," Emily said, "but maybe it could be worth going to check out anyway. It's a public place, so the worst that could possibly happen is we waste our time. I've been wanting to check out that coffee shop anyway." Lauren shook her head. "No way," she said, "it's all the way across town, and what if the scammer wants us to go so they know we are out of the apartment and rob us or something? It's definitely not Sofia Pono-Whatever, so why should we even go?"

"But there's a slight chance that it is her," Emily argued, "and we will hate ourselves forever if we don't even try. It's the middle of the day! Who is going to try to rob our apartment in the middle of the day? It's not like we live in a bad neighborhood! Nothing bad is going to happen. I'll even buy you coffee." Lauren thought for a moment. "You have to buy me lunch too," she said, smiling at Emily. "Fine," Emily agreed, "but I get to pick the restaurant."

"It's a deal," Lauren agreed, "but if anything bad happens, it's your ass." Emily smiled broadly. "Ok," she said, "but nothing bad is going to happen."

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