Chapter 9

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After that huge breakthrough with Dippers memories.....well for the rest of the month Dipper didn't regain any of his memories of either the boy or Bill, when it came to the boy, the phantom voice and hands and lips competely disappeared too. The lack of anything happening had gotten to Dipper, it wasn't uncommon now to hear him crying at night, the reaction made Mabel work harder to find Dipper a boyfriend, and Grunkle Ford and Grunkle Stan were competely lost on what to do except to go with their original plan, as well as listen to Dipper if he ever needed to talk. It was now the beginning of July and Dipper, Grunkle Ford and Grunkle Stan were standing in the clearing where the statue was.
"Dipper why are we here?" Grunkle Ford asked, confused.
"I just want to see if anything has changed." Dipper answered.
"Kid, I don't see any differences from the last the time we were here, and that was last week." Grunkle Stan said, Dipper stopped walking around the statue and sighed.
"I know Grunkle Stan....I just........I want something to happen, I want my memories back, I feel alone." Dipper whispered.
"Come on Dipper let's go into town and get something to eat at Greasy's Diner." Grunkle Ford said, Dipper nodded his head and the three left the clearing and walked back to the Mystery Shack, got into the car and drove to Greasy's Diner.
"Where's Mabel, I haven't seen her in a couple days?" Dipper asked, as they waited for their food.
"She's at a sleepover at Pacifica's, your sister, Pacifica, Grenda, Candy and Wendy are trying to find you a boyfriend." Grunkle Ford answered.
"She just needs to stop." Dipper said.
"Kid, she's tired of seeing you so upset." Grunkle Stan replied.
"I know.....but I know what I want." Dipper whispered.
"But what you want isn't here." Grunkle Ford said, Dipper whimpered but nobody was able to say anything else becaue Lazy Susan walked up to their table with their food after they finished eating they decided to walk around the park.
"Dipper, when Bill announced weirdmeggdon he was floating above the statue of Pacifica's ancestor." Grunkle Stan said.
"Bill warned me that he was going to be my villian for show, I asked him why, he said that at first he couldn't show that.....that.....I don't remember what else he said." Dipper said, he looked at his Grunkles in confusion when they looked at him in shock.
"What?" Dipper asked.
"You remembered something kid." Grunkle Stan answered, Dipper thought about it for a second and realized that yeah he did remembered something.
"Dipper, what else do you remember about the beginning of weirdmeggdon?" Grunkle Ford asked.
"After the fearamid was created, Bill asked me if it was cool, I told him it was then he asked.....he asked....I don't remember what he asked." Dipper amswered, then he frowned.
"It's ok Dipper, it's more than what I was expecting." Grunkle Ford said.
"Kid, can you remember anything about that boy?" Grunkle Stan asked.
" was at night and we were here in the park....we were looking at the stars, he asked me if I wanted to what his favorite constellation was, I asked him what his favorite constellation was, he said me." Dipper answered.
"Anything else?" Grunkle Ford asked.
"No, nothing else." Dipper answered.
"Let's continue to walk, maybe you'll remember more." Grunkle Ford said, when they got close to where Grunkle Ford, Grunkle Stan and Mabel found Dipper laying on the ground when weirdmeggdon ended and they defeated Bill, Dipper stopped walking.
"What's wrong kid? Grunkle Stan asked.
"I'm sorry, I tried, I tried so hard." Dipper said.
"Why are you apologizing Dipper, what do you mean you tried." Grunkle Ford asked, Dipper looked at his Grunkles with tears in his eyes and he shook his head.
"I don't remember." Dipper whispered, Grunkle Ford and Grunkle Stan sighed, they weren't frustrated at Dipper, it was his memories that were leaving them confused.
"Dipper, when we get back, if you want we can put that helmet on you and see if you have any dreams about either Bill or that boy." Grunkle Ford said, Dipper nodded his head. When they got back to the Shack, the three walked down to Grunkle Ford's office and when Dipper was asleep, Ford and Stan looked at the blank screen.
"Do you think anything will appear?" Stan asked.
"Maybe." Ford answered, a few minutes of staring at a blank screen, something finally appeared, a 12 year old Dipper was in the room with the triangular window and Bill was floating in front of him.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" Bill asked.
"I don't know, I just wanted to talk to you." Dipper said, blushing.
"Well Pinetree, I'm flattered really but I got deals to make.....mostly with Pentagram.....because he loves making deals with me, so unless you actually know what you want to talk about, I'm leaving." Bill said.
"Wait." Dipper said.
"What is it Pinetree?" Bill asked, though the triangle didn't sound annoyed....amused maybe, but not annoyed.
"Why do you make deals?" Dipper asked.
"Pinetree, all demons have a job, mine is making deals, some deals can be Pentagram's." Bill answered.
"Was my deal boring?" Dipper asked.
"No....though I won't tell you why it wasn't boring." Bill answered.
"Ok." Dipper said.
"Well Pinetree, I've got to go, if you want to talk to me, you know how, remember reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye." Bill said, then he disappeared.
The screen went blank, and it stayed blank for a couple of minutes, then something showed up on the screen again. It was of a 12 year old Dipper laying on the ground in the forest with the blonde, black haired boy laying on top of him but not crushing him.
"What are you planning?" Dipper asked, the boy smirked.
"Nothing, you know we're not going any further than hand-holding and kissing." The boy said, Dipper pouted but nodded his head.
"Don't pout Dipper, it doesn't work with me, you know that." The boy replied, Dipper sighed.
"I know." Dipper said, the boy smiled and gave Dipper a quick kiss, then another kiss that lasted a bit longer than the last one.
"We need to leave." The boy whispered.
"Do we really need to?" Dipper asked.
"We don't need to but we have to." The boy answered.
"Alright." Dipper said.
The screen went blank again and this time nothing else showed up.
"What is going on....or well what was going on?" Stan asked, as he looked at the still asleep Dipper.
"I don't know but I am more worried about him." Ford said, they waited for anything to pop back on the screen before deciding on waking up Dipper, when they did and Dipper was fully awake, the two weren't surprised when he blushed.
"Did you see all of that?" Dipper asked.
"Yes, we did." Grunkle Ford answered.
"Why can't I remember them, they seem like they were very important?" Dipper asked.
"We don't know, we can only try and help you remember." Grunkle Stan said, Dipper sighed in frustration.
"We know you're frustrated Dipper but we as well as you can only do so much." Grunkle Ford said.
"I know.....I'm going to work on my project....I haven't worked on it in a few weeks." Dipper said, then he took off the helmet and walked upstairs, when he shut the door to his room, he sat down at his desk, took out a piece of notebook paper, when he realized that he had stared at the piece of paper for almost 20 minutes, Dipper sighed and was about to give up, when he noticed Journal 3
"I wonder." Dipper muttered to himself, as he picked up Journal 3 and opened that page to where the information of Bill Cipher was.
"Maybe if I think of Bill, I'll be able to come up with something, it doesn't matter if it's just a quote or poem." Dipper whispered, then he closed his eyes and thought about everything he could remember about Bill, even though it wasn't much, when he opened his eyes, he looked down at the piece of paper and began to write. I'm so lonely, I miss you, I had a dream about you but it made me sad because I lost you.
"It's only a quote but it's more than I had all summer." Dipper said, then he closed the Journal, stood up and walked over to his bed, as he laid down he felt arms wrap around his waist.
"I'm back." The boy whispered.
"Where did you go?" Dipper whispered, he could feel tears well up in his eyes.
"Don't cry, I'm sorry I didn't have enough energy to stay." The boy said, Dipper could also hear in the boys voice that he was pleading.
"Is that why my memories weren't coming back?" Dipper asked.
"No, I'm able to help some but not a lot." The boy said.
"Can you give me a clue about how to regain my memories? Dipper asked.
"In Gravity Falls there are major points where the.....shall we say weirdness is at it's peak for example the UFO, go to them." The boy answered, Dipper felt the arms disappear and he panicked.
"Don't leave!" Dipper yelled, but the overwhelming lonelyness and cold had already set in and Dipper began to cry, he didn't even realize that sometime during the night he had fallen asleep.

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