One day on a sunny Floridian day, Shellie hatched from her egg. She was heading towards the ocean but went the wrong way. She began to flippered on the hot beach. She just kept on flippering and flippering till she reached a different surface on her flippers. She looked down and saw a black rocky surface. "I wonder what this is?"
She was getting hot, so she went and found some shade. Little did she know that she was under a long semi-truck. This strange thing was walking towards her. He picked her up and off she went. "I wonder what this thing is?"
"Hey, I just found a turtle. I'm going to take it home with me," Some strange man said.
Off they went together. The man was driving a car and Shellie was left in a broken water bottle in a cup holder. When the man stopped the car and opened the door and left, Shellie was scared. During the night Shellie had escaped the awful prison, but the next day the man came back into the car. He couldn't find the turtle. He looked and looked but couldn't find it. Finally, he found it. Off they went somewhere, and Shellie had no idea where.
She was again left in the car wondering where she was and what happened. After a long time went by, the man came back into the car. They went off and drove away. They reached another stopping point and the man left again. Shellie was off pondering what happened at the beach the other day. She stayed in the bottle that night.
The man came back but didn't sit down on the seat. He picked up the bottle that held Shellie. He gave it to another thing, but this thing is a girl. Her name was Clara. Clara gave Shellie a bigger house, some rocks, water, and some food. Shellie was happy, so happy to get out of the small bottle. Clara walked upstairs to her room and set Shellie down. Shellie was so tired and went straight to bed. Clara left Shellie to sleep.
After a while, Shellie woke up from her nap. Then decided to go exploring. She got out of her house and went to a closet. She found a long fuzzy thing and wondered what it was. She went to find out what it was. It was a blanket and she decided to go by it and snuggle with it. A little bit longer Clara came home. Clara went straight to Shellie but didn't find her. Clara looked everywhere for Shellie. Clara even got the man and another thing to help her. An hour went by looking for Shellie. Clara was starting to lose hope in finding her, but she finally found Shellie all snuggled up with the blankets.
A few days went by doing the same thing. Waking up, getting fed, played with, and then get left. Clara went to tell everybody about Shellie and to go to the beach to find new stuff. Shellie was there all alone and wondering about the ocean. Clara came back and gave Shellie new water and food. Then one day it was different. Clara started to pack and gave Shellie a different home. It didn't have water but it had her rocks. It was smaller than her home but bigger than the bottle. Then Shellie was in a dark room with no light. Clara put Shellie in a duffle bag.
Clara, the thing, and the man went into the airport to go home. Clara put Shellie in an x-ray machine. Shellie felt a little weird but didn't know why. After that it was okay. Shellie got some light at different times, seeing Clara's face once or twice. Clara put on her seat belt and got ready to take off. Then she felt weird again, but it didn't feel like she was in the x-ray machine. Her stomach felt like it was coming up. After a few hours later it came back, but it wasn't as bad. Clara took off her seat belt and took Shellie home.
The next day Clara went shopping for Shellie. Clara got an aquarium, heat lamp, food, water filter, and some cooler rocks. Shellie was so happy to get some delicious food, some warmth, and some cooler rocks. Clara kept playing, feeding, and taking care of Shellie. Clara loves Shellie so much.
Shellie's Adventures
AdventureThe story is about a turtle named Shellie and its adventures.