Who am I?

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My name...is Kelious. I have no last name, as I am a clanless Ardoni. My parents were killed during the great war, and I never found out my last name. Nor, where I came from. Indeed, they were a few hundred years old when they passed. But the Netharan didn’t care to bicker over the difference.

I live in a larger village, friendly people. And you’d be surprised, as this is a place where you could find all four races living in. Humans, Felinas, Magnorites, Ardoni, you name it, they’re all here. Sometimes, we even see the Ender Knights on their dragons flying high above the hills. But while all’s well, after the recent events of the Voltaris clan’s return, camps turned into settlements, settlements turn into villages. I, being an Ardoni, have lived many more years than the other races that live here. It’s sometimes...odd, that humans die at such a young age.

But what am I? I am nobody. I am a, what most races call, “white” Ardoni, because of my colourless appearance. It has it’s benefits and downsides, but it’s just life I guess. My Village, is called “Aldvar”. It's nice here. Well, that’s for everyone else. Because of me being clanless, to many other Ardoni I am classed as a “outcast”, a “slave”, and other names…much worse…

The Prime Songs are now put on display at the center of each clan’s settlement. There is one however, that is nor power, nor song, as no Ardoni has been able to wield it since it had been found. It is a thick black colour, with circling rings floating in the centre, all out of alignment. It was named the "Devonstone", for it's dull features and seemingly lost purpose. It catches my attention when I see it. Sometimes I even think that they start to align when I get close to it, but I never think anymore of that: Attention. You’ll get the traveling Ardoni that try to wield the song, but never succeed.

The eldest Ardoni in the village, Ardemous Mendoris, has been fascinated about its presence ever since it had been found. He is usually found studying it, but I usually try and stay away from him. My reputation for many isn’t the best, especially other Ardoni. Hanging around a “crazy old Ardoni” isn’t the best look. Some even believe that I’m bad luck, and cover their children’s eyes when passing me.

So, I live on my own. Near the village, but further out, away from most. I like the quiet, and I’ve grown used to being individual. Life is quite easy usually...until you have your food stolen, money pickpocketed, or campsite trashed by haters or punks who think it’s so funny to sabotage someone's work.

So yeah, that's me. Bullied a lot, clanless and worthless to everyone. But that Ardemous looks at me strange sometimes when I pass by. He looks at the Devonstone, then back at me again, making me take a stare at the Devonstone. I don't know what happens, but I swear it mesmerizes me when I stare at it for too long. Many think it's bad luck, so I try to stay away from it.

Current time: Kelious’s P.O.V

I was casually walking through town, as I usually would. However, I was met with an “unexpected” surprise. Ardemous Mendoris motioned for me to come to him. I was about to decline, but nobody was looking. So, I walked over to him, pondering over what he might want to ask me.

Ardemous: “Kelious, correct?”

I nod my head slowly.

Ardemous: “Come inside, there’s something I wish to discuss with you…” He said in a hushed tone.

Hesitantly, I followed him inside his house. As you would expect, it was filled with random assortments of scientific equipment and books either on shelves or on the floor.

Ardemous: “Now…” He said while rubbing his chin, “Where did I put it..?”

He searched everywhere, which took him almost 10 minutes, until he finally found what he was looking for. However, he pulled out out the Devonstone. It wasn’t very surprising, considering that he studied it almost everyday unless he was buying supplies.

But, he moved closer towards me. Instinctively, I backed up, until I was against one of the house’s walls. He held out the stone, and pointed it towards me. I heard a sudden buzzing, ringing tone in my ears. The longer I stared at the stone, the louder it became. But for some reason, I just couldn’t take my eyes off of it. The sound got louder and fainter, repeating this method until I realised it was my head throbbing. My vision blurred, as all I remember was falling to the ground, unconscious.

Well. That’s what everyone said. I still remember the vision, burning bright as day. I had never seen it before, nor had memory of the events that took place within. But I soon came to realise, that it wasn’t a dream. This...felt familiar. As if it had happened before…

I looked around, seeing 2 Ardoni. I recognised instantly, that they were my parents. My father was carrying something small. I soon saw that object was a young Ardoni. White in colour. Needless, I sprinted over too then.

Me: “Mom, dad!” but my shouts were to no avail, and as I reached them, I sank straight through like a ghost. I then realised I was unable too do anything. Suddenly, the trees around the village burst into flames, as a Wither flew overhead. Then, the sound of marching footsteps could be heard, as the Nether army burst through the gates, burning the walls that surrounded the village. My parents looked at each other in shock, and quickly ran in the opposite direction into what seemed to be a house. They slammed the door shut, and barred it so nothing could get in. As they settled the young Ardoni down, a Wither Skeleton slammed against the door, roaring in it’s raspy voice, demanding entrance to the building.

The young Ardoni screamed, as the Skeleton broke down the door, and rushed over towards my Father. But instead of being killed, he shot a black beam of energy through the Wither Skeleton, causing the bones to fall apart and come in contact with the wooden floor. Then, we heard the Wither outside our house. My father screamed at me to run, before the roof exploded, and caved in on everything inside it. The young Ardoni was lucky not to get hit, as he bolted outside and managed to sneak past the monsters within it. The last thing I saw was the Dragonstone sitting beside where the youngling fell, as the vision faded to white, as I woke up.
As I stirred, I found myself back inside my camp. Beside me, was a note, and a coin purse full of gold. I opened the note, and read what it said inside. All it said was: ‘It has chosen you. Come back and visit me tomorrow. Also, you look rather hungry…’

It was presumably Ardemous who gave me both things, but I couldn’t care less about that. I had 50 gold in my hand! I could afford food for a week or two with this much! But now, I had to hide it. I tried finding a good place, until I had a brilliant idea: under the stones in my campfire! Perfect!

And so, I hid it layers of paper under the hearth and stones of my campfire. And cooked some porkchop I hunted last night, before lying down, gazing at the stars, and drifted off to sleep.

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