December 19

36 7 10

My uncle died in this day, he's been a pastor for 37 years in age of 24.

He has a sickness in the heart, and my fear comes, we brought him to the hospital because of his heart attack.
He was survived, then it's Sunday, he went outside the hospital so he can teach his Bible study, even though his weak, he still continued on walking.

After 2 days, we brought him again in the hospital, the doctor said he had no pulse and his heart stop, I was damn crying, I don't want him to die, one of my aunt donated a pulse for my uncle to survive. The doctor made a surgery for him to live, it was success.

I'm glad my uncle survive, he was shock and he said this word "why am I still alive, I need to come with them, the God is here to drive me to heaven, please remove this" he said those words, then my father nodded, "There are people here wearing white to guide me" he said, and it was his last words before my father removed the oxygen to him.

It was a sad day for me but I'm happy for him because he will never feel the pain again to his life

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