• I'm broken •

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The past few days have been hell. I haven't been able to sleep and it's like my whole body felt heavy and weak. How could such a girl have this affect on me?

I checked my phone every 5 minutes for the time and each time a small hope that maybe she texted. She didn't.

"I just wanna be good enough" I whimpered out, a small tear slipping down my cheek.

"Of course its Denki! I'm just the broken best friend..." Each harsh word that slipped out of my mouth made my heart wrench with pain. I pulled my knees to my chest, my back pressed against the corner of the wall where I stayed until my alarm woke me out of my self pitying trance.

• time skip brought to you by my sad boi hours •

I walked into the classroom, each step taken with a shaky movement. I sat in my seat and avoided the eye contact of my other classmates.

"You good bro?" Denki stated, startling me out of my daze.

"You're the last person I want to see right now." I spat out, my voice harsh from crying.

"Y/n-" Denki started before being Interrupted by my voice.

"I'm sorry Denki. Just give me until the lunch period and I'll be fine" I forced a weak smile onto my face.

"I always am" I mumbled out

"Y/n, seriously what's wrong? Just talk to me" he stated, still pushing.

"You! Its not fair Denki! Why does she like you and not me! Why does everyone else get to be with the person they love and yet I get pushed aside? Am I not good enough for her?"  I broke down, tears now streaming down my face.

"Who?" He asked, his usual confused look sprawled across his face.

"Mina" I squeaked weakly.

A sudden voice shocked both Denki and I. "You dumbass! Denki was just a cover up. I was so afraid to tell you how I feel simply because I wasnt sure if you felt the same way! Your so special to me."

"There's nothing special about me Mina" I mumbled weakly

"Y/n you're the living definition of 'not like other girls' you're so special to me."

"I love you my meme queen" she stated as she wiped away the tears from my eyes. Her soft pink lips connected with mine and I felt my cheeks heat up, turning the same hue of her skin.

"I love you too!"


I'm sorry I've been away for a while. I know that the ending is shitty but uhm....here ya go!

Word count: 413

~my meme queen~ Mina Ashido X fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now