Jay's PTSD

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"A douuugggg my legs." Jay grumbles sitting up in his bed. Jay doesn't have legs anymore because they needed to be sliced off.

"Jay" a voice says radiating from his closet.

"Who tar?" I yells.

"Me" says the ghost of Dragon stepping out of the closet. He jumps onto Jay's moist bed next to him.

"Haha dog your alive." Jay says happily.

Dragon widens his eyes "No man are you on crack? I'm fucking dead and your seeing things."

"Mmm" Jay says unzipping his pants.

*Ghost busters theme plays as Jay starts trying to dry hump Dragon's ghost*

Papa Hans 2003- Dec 24 2019
You were too young little homie...

Papa Hans 2003- Dec 24 2019You were too young little homie

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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