Sub Chapter # 5 Peacock & the Jack of Diamonds

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It was a brisk afternoon when Nuño stood walking through the front yard with a plaid flannel. He held his head up as he cautiously walked across the ever so growing front yard weeds. He wore a barely visible hairnet, and had folded one arm against his back. In the other hand he held a wooden stick and a red marker. It was as if he were a sort of militia commander; pacing back and forth waiting to give a motivational speech.

"Look my young and foolish disciples, forget your surroundings and put out everything around you! The cars, the birds, the planes, the eyes on you, and all the other BS that will take your mind away from the seriousness of this moment! It's just gonna break your concentration. When concentration is broken; you gonna lose focus. Without focus, you ain't gonna have quick reflexes. Those reflexes is what will only keep your ass alive out here! Remember what you are learning to overcome. Your enemy follows these rules too. You see it in the walk and the talk of the G's you come across everyday. They do it because it's a psychological thing too. To put fear into you, and make you too shook to think twice about taking the enemy head on. Now meditate on that for a moment."

Lester's group of boys sat crouched before him in the yard. They all sat in a perfect line next to one another, with their eyes closed. There was a small concrete wall nearby, which divided the other houses. Angela sat on it besides her new friend Veronica, Melissa and a few other girls of the neighborhood. The boys were all attempting to meditate per the instruction of their master, while the girls were mostly focused on Lester.
Javier felt embarrassment and had difficulty concentrating, due the sound of the snickering girls in the distance. Suddenly he was grabbed from behind and felt Nuño's stick upon his throat. A large forearm of tan color, full of faint tattoos was now beneath his chin. Javier could feel a pointy mustache stabbing at his cheek like a needle. Nuño held him closer and whispered into Javier's shaking ear,

"Your enemy too will use that to get you to draw away from your goal. Beware of that lure young man. There has yet to be a man that cannot withstand it. Women and a bear trap; I don't know which one traps you worse. Who can determine which one is more dangerous? Focus Javier, and get your head out of those panties."

Javier answered nervously,

"Yes master."

The freckled Zachary who was nearby, covered his mouth trying to conceal his laughter. Nuño then told his mock martial arts class in frustration,

"You suckers lack focus...without that there is no discipline. With no discipline, these streets will turn you into saps. Do you want to be known as no nut, suckers? Answer!!!"

The boys stood up and unanimously answered,

"No master Mongoose!!!"

Nuño nodded his head as he walked to each one and stared at them momentarily. Nuño could still hear the slight laughter under one of their breaths. Hyun too could not help the giggle coming out, and Nuño said as he starred at him with wide eyes, "Of anyone here, this teaching should all come to you more naturally. You are a disgrace to your own heritage... if you don't wise up and embrace Wing Chun. Besides why'd they name you Hyun Soo anyway?"

The cynical Zachary said,

"...and that's why we prefer to call him Han Solo."

  Hyun sucked his teeth at the comment and pleaded with Nuño,

"But master I'm not Chine..."

  Nuño interrupted,

      "Listen, all of you!"

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