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Not all men were created equal; these words were forever ingrained in her. She remembers sitting in her living room as she watched the news. Her favorite heroes in training were being interviewed, and Deku had uttered the words when asked how he felt about quirks. After everything, his class had been through in their first year at U.A. and the events that happened with the hero killer. Even now, going into their third-year people were still questioning heroes and the rise of quirks. Then there was the quirk eliminating drug that was out there for a time.

He had told a story about how, when he was little, he hadn't received his quirk on time like everyone else. That he was bullied and made to feel less then. He started it by uttering those words. 'the sad truth is, not all men are not created equal. When I was four years old, I learned that some kids had more power than others, but that won't hold me back. If anything, it pushes me to do better.' I had never thought about being a hero or even helping people in everyday life. I had a rare quirk called Beast. I was trained from a very young age to control it as my mental state was ruled almost entirely by animal instinct, but this boy from the tender age of 4 knew he wanted to help people no matter if he had a quirk or not. This leads her to look up everything she could on the hero in training Deku, follow him on all his socials and some of his classmates. The ones that stood out to her were Ground Zero because he was aggressive like her and Shoto as he seemed to have made huge improvements with his personality from his first year in U.A. there was also Red Riot. His interview answers had been raw and vulnerable. He Had told the reporter that when he was in middle school, he hated the fact that unlike some of his classmates, his feet didn't just move on instinct to help others, He had, in fact, frozen, and that caused him great mental turmoil. They were all fantastic, and she wanted to be just like them. It was this that caused her to make up her mind and beg her Stepfather to let her take the U.A. Entrance exam.

It took some convincing as she had never shown any interest before. Her Stepfather was a retired hero and teacher at U.A., but he did relent and allow her to take the path of a hero. She was ecstatic and promised to do her best, so when the exam came around that fall and passed all on her own with no help from her Stepfather, she was incredibly happy. She knew this was her start line, and she couldn't wait.


It was her first day at U.A., and it was utterly nerve-racking. When she was little, leaving her home was difficult due to her enhanced hearing and smell. It made living in the city overwhelming. Her parents had soundproofed their apartment and put scent guards on the front and balcony doors. She was also homeschooled due to not controlling her inner demons instincts till she was around twelve, but she never went back to school, never seeing the point. Now here she was, fifteen years old experiencing first-day jitters.

"you going in?" A voice from behind her startled her. Turning around, she saw a short female, going by looks and the uniform, but the smell was Male. It was interesting, to say the least.

"hn" was all the answer she gave before turning back around, opening the door. Walking in, she glanced at the board, seeing the seating arrangement posted there.

"you're the lone wolf type, aren't you?" The girl from before said at her side. All she did was side glance the girl before going to her seat. She didn't really want to make friends. It was a hindrance, in her opinion.

"I'm Higashi, Kaede. It's nice to meet you." Higashi gave a polite bow. At least she had manners.

"Miya, Yuki," Yuki replied in a monotone voice. She wasn't sure what to do, but it was only polite to give yours in return when someone gives you their name.

"That's a pretty name."

"hn," Higashi was about to reply, but thankfully she was interrupted by the teacher coming in.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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