Chapter 1

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Jason's POV

I walk down the hallways, sighing as I see people snickering and whispering about me. I try and turn away from all their gazes. At school, I was the nerdy weird kid who kept to himself. I couldn't help but feel insecure, because that's what they made me feel. I clutch my book harder towards my chest. They'll never understand that, though. Even if I tried to change their minds. I'll always be a weird kid, because that's all they'll see me as. Nothing more.

"HEY! NERD KID! I'M TALKING TO YA!" Someone shouts in front of me and I nervously gulp, looking up to see my bully, Trey. I glare at him, trying to silently push away from him. "You think I'm gonna give you up that easily!" He mutters at me, pulling my bookbag back and letting my body slam into the floor. I groan in pain as Trey and his friends high five each other. I was weak..and outnumbered. I couldn't take them if I tried to. So I heave myself and try to walk away again, but it doesn't work. Trey grabs the collar of my shirt and mischievously smirks at me. "Who said I was finished with you?" He sneers and I glare at him. 

"I DO." I growl through gritted teeth, and the people throughout the hallways stay silent, watching the both of us. 

"Well I don't give a crap wether you feel that way or not. You're MY prey, so I make the rules, GOT IT?" He yells at me. I stay silent like I'm supposed to be. "And the FIRST thing I'm gonna do is-!" He starts to yell about to punch me in the face when-

"STOP!" Everyone stays silent. I look over and see Raina Montes looking at the both of us. She walks over and pushes Trey away from me. "What did I say about bullying people?!" She screams at him with rage and he avoids her glaring eyes.

"Not it.."

"EXACTLY! So if you attack another innocent person, we're through-!"

"Wha-?! BABE-!"

"I don't want to hear your dumb excuses." She states and he hangs his head low, walking away from her as the bell rings. Everyone scurries over to their next period class and she sighs, looking at me. "Sorry you had to see that, and for him bullying you all the time. Are you okay?" She asks me and I try to open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I've never talked to a popular girl, let alone a girl who has stood up for me. She giggles as she helps me pick up my book from the tile floor.

"What can I do to repay you?" I suddenly ask her and she gets taken by surprise. "Oh, you don't have to give me anything! That shouldn't have happened in the first place anyways and-!"

"Please," I plead to her and she looks at me through her chocolate brown eyes, "no one's ever stood up to me before. I've got to give you something in return." She hands my books to me while thinking. An idea suddenly pops in her head and she smiles. 

"You're good at math, right?" She asks me and I nod my head. "Well, can you help me with my homework? I don't really get the material and-!"

"Sure thing! If you give me it now, I can finish it tomorrow so you can get a good grade!" I say and she nervously bites her cheek.

"Oh, as much as I like the offer...I was thinking that you could me with my homework..with me." She explains and my eyes widen.

"Oh! I'm sorry for getting the wrong idea! It's just that a lot of people ask me to do their homework for them. So I thought-!"

"Don't apologize. Meet me today after school, okay?" She asks and I smile. 

"Sure thing!" I say and she waves at me before hurrying to her next class. I can't help but smile as I realize how excited I am for after school. Maybe I'll actually have a chance of getting a new friend.


I twiddle my thumbs nervously on the library desk. I've been waiting for Raina for 5 minutes and she still hasn't shown up. I sigh. Maybe this is some prank. Some trick. Some show up. I shake my head in disappointment. I should've known not to trust a really good looking popular girl. I guess she's all like the others. Just as I was about to leave, Raina suddenly runs towards the library desk, panting. 

"I'm SO sorry I was so late! My friend at cheerleading practice broke her ankle and I was trying to make it in time and-!"

"You're fine." I say, smiling at her and I can tell that she's relieved. I suddenly feel guilty for what I said in my mind about her. Maybe she IS different. I mean after all, she did show up. If she didn't it probably would've been a missed opportunity anyways. I shake my head, pushing my thoughts abou her out of the way. "SO, what do you need help on most?" I ask her and she points at the section Alegbra. "Well then let's start there." I state and she warmly smiles at me. 

"Before we start, I want to say thank you again. Trey would NEVER do stuff for me like this." She says and my eyes widen as she compares me to my bully and her boyfriend. Why was she comparing me to her love interest? 

"Well I want to say thanks for standing up to me, too. It was really sweet of you." I say and she sighs.

"Trey is nothing but a huge dick to everyone. You shouldn't let him take control of you like that." She explains and I avoid her eye contact, looking at her math book instead. 

"It's not like I really have a choice. Whenever I do stand up for myself, no one listens anyways. I always get beat up, wether I talk back or not." I explain and I see her from the corner of my eye, scooting closer to me. 

"Well..I'll try and be there when I can." She states and we stare at each other. The library becomes silent, and the only thing you can hear is us breathing in and out. She suddenly breaks the tension and finds the page number, while I can't help but rethink what happened. Does she actually like me? And do I actually like her?


"Wow. I never knew that Alegbra could be so easy when you teach it." Raina says and I nod my head, although I couldn't agree with me "teaching her" part. Most of the time we had studying was me getting caught up in the way she looked at me. For some reason, I couldn't get it out of my mind. "Thanks...for like the hundredth time today." She says and I smile at her, my cheeks heating up as she smiles back at me. 

"It's no problem. I'm sure you'll do great on the exam." I explain and she suddenly embraces me, her warm skin touching mine. After being shocked for a couple of seconds, I hug her back. "Come back to me when you need help with homework, okay?" I ask her and she releases the hug.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" She exclaims and rips a little bit of her math book, writing down numbers on it. I look at it, confused, until she gives it to me, "Here's my phone number, so we can text and call. I'll you later, Jason!" My heart floats as she grabs her book and her pencil, waving while sashaying away from me. I look at the slip of paper that is her phone number and hold it to my chest. I will never forget today.

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