Chapter 2

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Raina's POV

It was the next day and things were like usual. Trey was by my side as we walked together to the cafeteria. 

"So....I heard that Jason tutored you with homework yesterday." He quietly mutters and my eyes widen. 

"Did someone tell you or were you spying on us?" I ask him and he slits his eyes. 

"SHOULD I have been spying on you?" He says me and I furrow my eyebrows.

"You know I wouldn't cheat on you like that." I state and we stay silent. "Why do you care anyways? All you ever use me for is displaying me like a trophy. I know you don't love me." I say to him and he glares at me. 

"Don't lie and say that you love me too, because I know you don't either. Don't act like you're the victim here." He growls at me and I slit my eyes back at him.

"I'm not saying that I am. None of us are." I say to him and moments pass were we stay silent, again. "I don't understand. If you hate me then break up with me." I mumble and he stops forcefully grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards him.

 "THEN WHY DON'T YOU JUST BREAK UP WITH ME?!" He screams, grabbing everyone's attention in the hallway. I growl, my teeth gritted.

"BECAUSE IF I DO, YOU'LL HURT ME LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO!" I scream back at him and he seems taken back. Everyone gossips and whispers around us and I forcefully take my wrist out of his grasp and walk away from him. I felt like I wanted to cry. Now everyone's going to know that me and Trey's relationship isn't real. I quickly go into the girl's bathroom and hide in a stall, curling myself in a little ball on the toilet seat. I dig my head into my knees. I should've broken up with him earlier. Now, I feel like an idiot. I shouldn't be hiding like this. But that's how I always break away from my problems. Hiding, and wishing they'd never come back. I suddenly hear a knock, making my head jolt up.

"Hello? Raina, is that you?" I hear a voice say and I unlock the door and open it to see my best friend, Heather. I suddenly sob as I see her and cry into her shoulder. "Don't worry. I told Trey that you two are done, so you won't be seeing him any time soon." She explains and I shake my head, distressedly.

"NO! Because now he's gonna hurt me because me and Jason studied and-!" My voice suddenly gets lost as my eyes widen. 

"I'm sorry..WHO'S Jason?" Heather asks me and my heart pumps as my breathing gets quicker. 

"JASON!" I scream and I burst out of the girl's bathroom, running towards the cafeteria. I promised to him that I would be there to protect him. Trey's probably beating the shit out of him right now, because he thinks we did something and I'm over here crying in the bathroom like the pathetic person I am. I finally make it to the cafeteria and as I assumed, Trey's punching Jason in the nose. My rage gets the better of me and I race over to Trey, and jump on his back, tugging on his hair. 

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" He screams at me and I tug harder at his hair.

"PROTECTING MY INNOCENT FRIEND!" I yell and I see Jason warily smile at me as blood drips down his nose. Trey suddenly gets me off his back and throws me on the ground, scraping my knee on the brick wall. As Trey starts walking over to Jason, I quickly get up and grab a plastic knife from someone's lunch tray, pointing at his neck. He laughs. 

"You think a little plastic knife can hurt me?" He jokes and I heavily breathe.

"If I push hard enough, then yeah." I threaten and his eyes widen. I feel blood dripping down my leg. "Don't hurt Jason, he's done nothing wrong." I say and he glares at me. "Please, he's innocent." I add and me and Trey have a glaring contest. Before Trey breaks the silence. 

"That guy is a creep. I'm trying to do what's best for you-!" 



"No, you're just protecting yourself." I snarl and he glares at me for a moment before stomping out of the cafeteria with jocks by his side. I carefully drop the knife on the ground and I feel too shocked to say anything. What else am I supposed to say? Everyone silently makes their way out of the cafeteria as I look around. Two of the lunch tables were flipped over, making me wonder how late I came into the fight. Jason groans in pain as he sits down next to me. 

"I'm sorry that I didn't come earlier." I apologize and he looks at my knee, studying it for a second. 

"C'mon, let's take you to the nurse." He says and helps me up. I lean against him as I limp to the nurse's but it isn't long before I realize that he's limping, too.


"There you go! You two are all bandaged up. Now, let me just call your parents and tell them to pick you guys up!" The nurse hums and goes over to the phone. Jason and I look at each other and I can't help but feel guilty that I hadn't came sooner even more. He had injuries I didn't even see an hour ago. Like several bruises on his back, he had cuts on his legs. I couldn't even look at him, because the more I did, the more I felt sick to my stomach. 

"I'm sor-!"

"This isn't your fault." Jason says before I can finish my apology sentence. 

"I know, but it feels like it is. Maybe I shouldn't have ever dated Trey." I say and his eyes widen, shaking his head.

"No, this wouldn't have happened if you met me," He says and I look at him in surprise, "if I wasn't such a coward, I would've been able to defend myself that day instead of you defending me." We sit in silence for a moment.

"Being scared isn't your fault. It's an emotion everyone feels, you shouldn't feel guilty about feeling that way." I say, trying to be optimistic, but I can tell Jason doesn't agree with my reasoning. So we stay silent as we eavesdrop the nurse's phone call to our parents. She suddenly comes out of the room.

"Both of your parents are on their way." She says to us and hurries over to another sick girl in a hospital bed. Out of curosity, I peel a little bit of the bandage off my wound and blood suddenly drops down my leg. Jason's eyes widen as he hurriedly grabs a tissue and cleans up the line of blood on my leg. 

"Keep the bandage on, okay?" He asks me with a smile of his face and I can't help but smile back at him. 

"Yeah, that was a mistake." I say and we both look at each other again. My face gets hot with blush and I turn away. What is happening to me with him?! Do I like him? As soon as I think about it, my thoughts get interrupted by my mom coming in. 

"Oh sweetie! Are you okay?!" She nervously asks me, hugging me tightly.

 "I mean, other then big gash on my leg, I'm fine." I state and she gasps as she sees my bandage red with blood. 

"C'mon. Let's get you home and into bed." She says and I nod my head, carefully sliding down the bed onto the floor. "Thank you!" My mom yells to the nurse and she smiles at the two of us. As we start walking, I look back and wave at Jason in the bed. He smiles and waves back with the bloodily tissue in his hand. As I turn back, I feel confused. Why didn't he throw that tissue away in the trash yet? That must've been pretty nasty to hold. And there was a trash can right next to him. I shrug it off as I get in the car. I can't wait to get home.

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