Chapter 4

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Y/N's  POV

We went back to the station to get the information on Mitchell Rich. He was a well-known felon by the L.A.P.D. at this time he was wasn't wanted. He was being accused of fraud and illegal possession of a firearm. He's been missing for a week. Lucifer had read his file that night and found at he had been missing for three months. I looked at Lucifer and he walked over to Ella in the lab. I rushed after him as he asked for the address of Mitchell Rich's Father and Mother. Ella explained that his parents were murder after his disappearance.  He then asked for addresses of siblings. Ella found a brother. He looked at her with a smile and walked out. 

" Wait. Where are we going?" I uttered following him to his car.

" Well, I'm going to his brother's house to have a chat." Lucifer said with a smile.

" Well if you don't let me go, I'll shoot your front tire." I said with a grin.

"Oh, you will." He said as he came around the car.

He put his hand and tilt my head up towards him with the smirk. He does all the time to suspect or people who don't wanna talk but don't have a lawyer.  He tried to persuade me to go back to the station. I still shook my head no. I pulled out my gun and pointed it at the tire. He looked at me with a frustrated smile.  He finally changed his mind because I was really about to shoot it. His car was his baby but I didn't care about the car. I got in the driver's seat and he raised his eyebrow. 

"What are you doing? I only drive my car. Get up." Lucifer said.

" It won't kill you to ride shotgun." I responded with a smile.  

"Get up!" He replied.

" Fine." I responded and hopped over to the passenger side. 

He walked over to the other side and he drove. He looked stared ahead the whole ride. I barely knew him as much as I wanted to. He looked at me while still passing attention to the road. I still was looking out the window. This was my first time actually seeing the city. He turned down a road named East Franklin Road. He parked his car in their driveway so if he tried to leave he couldn't. He would have to run on foot.

 Lucifer got out and knocked on the door. I stood there by his side waiting for the man to answer. I heard the back door open and close as a man took off running. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at the center of my chest.

"Put the gun down you don't wanna do this." I said inches towards him with my hands.

"Yes, she right and if you do jail won't be the only thing you need to worry about." Lucifer said with a straight face.

I slowly turned my head back at him with my eyes widened, what if he shoots Lucifer. He isn't the devil he's just arrogant and delusional. He pushed me behind him and approached the gunmen. He looked at the man lowing put his hand on the gun. The gun sounded I saw the bullet go through his hand.  He hissed in pain but still went towards the man. A few missed shots later, I felt two bullets go through my shoulder and grazed the side of my neck.

 I hit the cement below me. I could fee the blood leaving out of my body fast. my body grew weaker with each second. Lucifer rushed over and put his hand on the back of my neck. Six more bullets rang out of the chamber and I heard them hit Lucifer. He groaned and got up and walked towards the man. The last thing I remember was hearing the man scream in fear then everything went black.

 Lucifer's POV 

" Please d-don't kill me." He replied loudly dropping the gun as I grabbed his face.

"You're going to wish that was all I did to you." I said making him face the window with a smile on my face.

" No no no no no noooooooooooo." He remarked as my reflection showed in the window.

He fell to the ground in fear paralyzed with the thought of his own personal hell.  Being tormented him for eternity scared him to death. I was furious. I picked her up and rushed her to the hospital. I barely knew her but I wanted to get to and I wasn't going to let her die. I took her to the emergency room and they rushed her to surgery. I was in the room the entire time when she was out. I held her the entire night she in hospital. Dan came to check on her and tell me about the case.

" Rich's brother confessed to the murder of his brother's wife and his brother. How did you do it?" Dan questioned.

" I showed him my face. My real face." I said looking at him with a smile.

" You can't keep doing that to people, Lucifer." Dan said pacing back and front. " What if she saw you..?" 

" She didn't and I can do whatever I want Detective Douche." I said standing up stilling holding her hand. " She wouldn't run from me if she did. She's different." 

" Well, I hope you can be happy his time around." He said walking out of the room.

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