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Preference: How you meet:

Heath Burns: Well it is kind of a funny story. He was trying to impress a girl in the cafeteria. You couldn't believe that nerve of that guy, but when he was trying to do the pick up line he stumbled over his words and caught on fire. Weird right? Then he started running around in attempts to put it out, which only made it worse. So being the nice person you are, you used the water fountain to control some water, then you just.. sprayed the water you were controlling at the boy when he ran toward you. You chuckled and introduced yourself. What a day.

Jackson Jekyll: You were just sitting in windowsill of the classroom as a flowerpot waiting for class to start until a student came over to inspect the weird (F/C) plant. You paniked when he reached a hand out to touch the petals that you fell off windowsill and changed back into a normal person. The boy was so freaked he left running. You face palmed and fled in the same direction to try and clear it up with him. When you couldn't find him you knew he'd have to come back to the classroom so you stopped in your tracks and went back. When you arrived class was about to start and you found the kid, so you sat next to him and introduced yourself, also apologizing for scaring him.  

Holt Hyde: With Holt, it was a completely different story than Jackson. You had shapeshifted right infront of him during class. You were sitting next to Jackson in science when someone had just taking headphones and put them over Jackson's ears and they giggled. "Lets see how the new girl reacts.." an orange cat chuckles. Jackson tried to take them off, but he couldn't, he burst into flames and changed into a blue monster. Which scared you! So you shifted into a mouse and tried to scurry away, before your powers betrayed you and halfway to the door you shifted into your normal self. Your teacher told you to take your seat and Holt was laughing at you. You shifted into the mouse again and Holt stop laughing seeing he had hurt your feelings. He then introduced himself and you shifted back into yourself when you felt more confortable. Of course the teacher told you to keep it down.

Clawd Wolf: You were on the roof doing some flying practice. When students when arriving to school you decided to do some practice toward the front of the school and you told youself you'd find your friends easier this way. You jumped off the roof and flaped your wings to fly, you glided around with grace. That was until your eyes were caught onto Clawd, you couldn't stop yourself. He was nice looking and he seemed sweet. Problem was he had a girlfriend. So he'd never date you anyways. As you were talking to yourself you smashed right into the wolf sending you both to the floor with a groan. You were quick to get back onto your feet and you helped him up apologizing every second. He just chuckled and introduced himself.

Deuce Gorgon: People were scared of you because of your scaritage. This made you sad since you loved to meet new people. You especially wanted to met the gorgon you have in many of your classes, but no one wanted to be near you scared that you'd take their souls. You'd sit alone at lunch, in class and anywhere you went everyone moved around you. Even if they had to climb ontop of lockers. Today you had enough. You started to cry and you raced down the halls trying to leave the school. On your way down the halls you ran into the Gorgon. He was confused. He didn't know why you of all people would be crying. You looked up and saw him, you eyes widened and you wiped your eyes. You mutter a sorry and you went to go around him, but he grabbed you by the arm and asked why you were crying. You didn't answer at first, but you turned to him and told him everything, the constant feeling of being left out was eating at you. He smiled sadly and introduced himself. He told you his friends would love to meet you and you believed him.

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