11 - Good Pain

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The past week went by without too many ups and downs. Bella was finally released from the hospital after being there for ten days. Jasmine was officially made our Gamma, and we had a little ceremony for it right in front of the pack house. People gathered to see their new Gamma, and it was a reason for a small celebration. It's like what they say, sometimes people just need some food and entertainment to be happy.

Becoming a Gamma isn't only about fighting; it's also about forming a strong connection with the Alpha. In the ceremony, Jasmine and Nate cut their palms and then shook hands, showing that she'd be loyal and devoted to him. Jasmine also made promises to Nathaniel in front of everyone.

Bella stood next to me during the ceremony, trying not to laugh if Jasmine messed up her speech. We're friends, so it's okay to tease each other sometimes. At the end of the ceremony, people didn't clap; instead, they put their hands on their chests and bowed their heads to show respect.

We don't clap during these ceremonies. We save that for after fights. Here, we show respect in a different way. Bella and the others bowed their heads, and I just put my hand on my chest to accept Jasmine as our new Gamma and Luna.

After the ceremony, Nate left the space where people were congratulating Jasmine. He made his way toward me, placing a sweet kiss on my forehead and then embracing me from behind.

"You two are quite the lovebirds," Bella teased us.

She observed us with a surprised expression for a moment before Nate gave her a stern look and buried his nose in my hair. Bella raised her hands in a defensive manner and then headed into the crowd to join Jasmine, who was surrounded by well-wishers.

I watched my friend as she navigated through the crowd, overwhelmed by all the people. Bella disappeared from my sight, but I remained focused on Jasmine and how uneasy she appeared.

"Her father was a respected Alpha," Nate remarked as he rested his chin on my head, referring to Jasmine.

"I hope she inherited his qualities and becomes an honorable Gamma," I replied, and I heard him chuckle. His reaction sent a rush of butterflies through my stomach.

We both stood there, observing as people approached Jasmine one by one to congratulate her and show their respect. Bella was by Jasmine's side, but my attention shifted when Alex suddenly appeared and tapped Bella on the shoulder. They walked away, presumably to have a private conversation.

Amid the crowd, I noticed a short woman with long braided gray hair making her way through. Jasmine lowered her head as a sign of respect when the elder approached her. Rosa had to be there because she had organized the ceremony. After their brief exchange, Rosa glanced around and then looked in the direction of Nate and me, standing on the porch, watching the people.

She approached us with a warm smile on her face, unsurprised to see us nestled in each other's arms. Nate and I had improved our relationship somewhat after our recent conversation. Over the past couple of nights, we had been sharing a bedroom.

Nothing intimate had occurred between us as we were swamped during the day and exhausted at night. Yet, the unquenched desire we felt for one another had not gone unnoticed. It was becoming increasingly challenging to resist the magnetic pull between us, but our weariness ultimately prevailed.

"Alpha," Rosa respectfully bowed her head towards Nate and then repeated the gesture for me. "I see you two are growing more comfortable with each other. That's a good thing," she said, a happy smile gracing her face.

"Thank you," I replied, feeling a blush creep onto my cheeks. However, Rosa's gaze momentarily shifted from my eyes to my chest, particularly the necklace. Her expression briefly contorted with horror before she looked back at me, offering another smile. The way she concealed her true feelings wasn't a promising sign.

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