Tea, And a Murderous Rampage Then, Shall We?

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Slowly but surely the man came down from the roof. It was tedious to watch, but after he came down he introduced himself. "Hello my dear, my name is....Alastor? Yes surely that is my name..." he said, trailing off. Once you go to hell, you get a new name. I guess he didn't realize that yet. "And what would your name be?" He said, tilting his head, with a never ending smile. "I am (Y/N), pleasure to meet you. You seem different than most people who first fall." I observed. "What do you mean fall? I don't remember tripping. I was merely hunting out in the forest when everything went black. Then I woke up on your roof! How exiting! Would you care to tell me where I a- why do you have ears like that? And a tail?" He started backing up, till he hit the front door of my house. I slowly approached him, telling him that I wasn't gonna hurt him. Clearly something was wrong with him, and he needed help. "If you would just step inside, I could answer all your questions." I stated. He nodded and moved aside to let me open my door, and followed me inside. "Here. Sit on the couch and I'll make you something to drink. Is tea ok?"          "Yes... tea would be great..." he said, watching my every move. So I made us both some tea and sat down next to him. "Alright, what's your first question?" 

"I'd like to know where I am please."
"Very well. You are in a place called Hell. It's where you go when you die if you aren't a good person, or committed sins."
"No...But I didn't do anything wrong...at least...nobody found out what I was doing... I shouldn't be here! I don't even remember dying! No!" He stood up and paced around the room. "Where's a mirror?" He questioned. "In my bathroom, in the hall to the right." I responded He quickly dashed in there, me following. As soon as he saw himself he slowly backed away at his appearance. I led him back to the couch and said, "This is who you are now, there's no going back. You have to embrace it or die again, and even I don't know where you go when you get killed in hell. Probably somewhere worse than this. Beside's, you don't even know what you can do yet!" He glanced up at me with a curious face. "You mean we have powers in Hell? Like magic and sorts?" 
"well, not everyone. Only people who were something when they were alive. Dangerous people." You were one of them. You were a quite killer, with a confirmed kill count of over 500 people. "Well, I was quite the handful to the authorities. Maybe I can do some damage down here as well?"
"We can go on a killing spree, just for you if you'd like. I'll protect you if needed, sound good?"
"Wait... so you can do this kind of thing down here? Killing sprees and such? Because that would be wonderful! Of course i'll go with you!" So we left the house, and I had him practice on my lawn. "What should I try to do first?"
"I-i don't know... just try what feels natural I guess." I stood there and watched Al hold out one of his hands and saw him strain his face for a few seconds, when suddenly a staff appeared in his hands. It matched his apparel, but also had an eye on it. It looked like a microphone. "Well hello there Alastor! I'm your staff, the source of all your immense power! Don't lose me!" It said. Then he and the staff whispered for about 10 minutes while I just stood there and tapped my feet impatiently. Finally Al looked over at me with a big smile on his face and called, "Well, on with or rampage shall we?" I nodded and started following him. He walked with an aura of proudness and blood lust around him. Then I remembered that I  was the one taking him, not the other way around, and stepped in front of him. "You don't even know where to go do you? Follow me." I said. He followed me this time, but somewhat reluctant. I wonder what his staff told him?

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