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Walking down a hallway in a hotel to most people is just another thing.

But when your hair is tangled and your makeup is smeared .... judgement is tossed all over you.

I smooth my hair down the best I can as I walk out of the elevator heading for the valet.

The cool Boston hair hits me hard as I now know.

My underwear is missing.

I drop my head as my car rolls up to me with the young boy smiling wide at me.

Yea I know my bra is missing. Thanks for the update.

I slide into the Range Rover resting for a moment as I wipe my face.

Welcome to Boston, Brooklyn.

I unlock the door to the apartment hearing the morning news.

My bag goes down on the bar while I pour myself some of the leftover coffee.

"You know if they had played better then maybe you would have won." My roommate snorts at the tv as they go over the sports report.

The coffee is black how she likes it. I pour my half of cup of creamer in as I pull another nail off.

"Rough night?" She asks not looking away from the tv.

I just sigh back at her.

It goes quiet again in the apartment as my premed roommate keeps watching the news.

"Any chance I can get the name of the guy?"

I roll my eyes.

She grins smacking my foot. "As long as you didn't get hurt."

I softly smirk down at her.

The room goes quiet again when her phone goes off.

The new man. The wannabe doctor with the rented sports car.

She jumps up heading for her room on the phone.

I sit back into the couch when I hear the barking again.

Another morning the guy hasn't came home for his dog.

I look at the door then drop my head.

The neighbor spent his nights working leaving his poor dog alone for hours.


I turn back to her as the news kicks on about the murders from last night.

"Who the hell kills someone at a family dinner?" My roommate mumbles out as she walks back out in a tight red shirt and high waisted pants.

She is right. Who kills someone in front of their families.

I swallow back my pain.

"I will be back later." She kisses my hair then walks out as I hear the dog next door whining.

I shake my head as I storm to the door hearing the dog scratch at the door crying more.

"Can I help you?" His voice is deep with his towering shoulders.

I slowly spin around to face him.

"Can I help you?" He snorts again.

"The dog has been whining all night."

He nods unlocking his door as the German shepherd runs out to me. "He whines all the time." His brow goes up watching me with the dog.

"Then maybe you should be home more or don't have a dog." I snort back as I walk back to my apartment slamming my door shut.

The dog looks up at his master and snorts.

"Don't even, get back inside." He waves the dog back into his place.

GraveYard // Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now