USJ (1)

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Y/N point of view

It was the next day and there was a lot of reporters out side the school gate. * I don't have time for this. "HEY YOU HOW IS ALL MIGHT AS A TEACHER" reporters were asking me with microphones and cameras in my I decided to bring my Zeref mode out. My hair went black and my eyes went red " if you don't get those things out my face I'll shove them up your ass" the reporters all cleared a way after I said that.
" Thank you" I continued on my way to class. But I was tied now because zeref is one of the strongest characters. Great way to start out the day. I finally made it to class and everyone was talking. That is until Mr.Aizawa walked. " Good job on your exercise yesterday." He said while turning towards Bakugo " bakugo you have great potential, stop acting like a baby" honistly I thought he was gonna explode but he said ok." And Midoriya you almost killed L/N pulling a stunt like that and you broke your arm, don't give me the excuse you can't control it" awe yes if it was someone else they would have died but I know how to use my quirk and I heal really fast for some reason. " All right now that I said that you have to pick a class president"  huh an normal activity. " EVERY ONE LETS VOTE ON WHO SHOULD BE PRESIDENT. WHO EVER GETS THE MOST VOTE WILL BE IT."  that a good idea Iida . I'll vote him, even though he has a stick in his ass he knows how to play the part.
Poor Iida didn't get the role oh well. "All right everyone go to lunch" finally I'm starving after this morning, I got my food and sat with the bakusquad.
"Hey Y/N-chan what brings you to our table" kaminari asked in a flirting way." Well- " " THIS IS A LEVEL THREE SECURITY BREACH EVERYONE PLEASE EVACUATE THE BUILDING" *what does that mean* a higher up class men responded that this has never happened in all the years he been everyone got bunched up in the hall way I decided to telaport down to the gates. When I arrived I saw Mr. Aizawa and present Mic." Mr.aizawa need some help with the reporters" I asked while walking up to the two of them." L/N how'd you get down here so fast and yes that'd be very helpful" he said turning to me" I telaported down" I stated as my hair turned black and my eyes went red. There was a deadly arua around me, the reporters all turned to me with some fear " you are trespassing on private property of UA i advise you to leave before we involve the police" I stated while glaring at them all. The thing I love about zeref if people don't try and fuck with him" WE JUST WANT TO ASK ALL MIGHT SOME QUESTIONS" the female reporter yelled in my face. Who does this bitch think she is. "I don't care you are disturbing future heros class time now back the hell off before I get physical" that's when aizawa steped in and calmed me down." What she is saying is true please back up and off the property" they all seemed to do as asked.
" Thanks L/N go back to class I'll be there in a minute" I nodded and left. I now felt like passing out. That's twice I used a strong character, I just want some sleep.i was now back at the classroom and so was aizawa. I ended up falling asleep after Midoriya gave Iida his spot as president.i was woken up by bakugo surprisingly and grabbed my suit like I was instructed to do. " Um Momo where are we going, I kinda fell asleep" I asked while scratching my cheek " we are going to a rescue facility off campus for some rescue training" she turned to me with a smile "thank you" " your welcome" after I changed I headed to the buses." Hey bakugo" he turned to me with a glare but it softened when he saw me" what is it idiot" " I just wanted to say thanks for waking me up" I smiled up at him. "Your welcome idiot, don't fall asleep next time and I want have to" " yeah yeah I hear ya" I smiled and then left to talk to Mina

Bakugos point of view

DAMN she can kill a man with that smile. WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING. SHES JUST AN IDIOT. A pretty cute idiot SHUT UP BRAIN." EVERYONE LINE UP BY NUMBER AND LOAD THE BUS"  the bastard with engines on his legs shouted. Tch what and idiot. I decide to get on the bus and find a window seat. That's when I felt a presence beside me. I looked over and saw Y/N. I felt my face get warm so I looked away. After a few minutes I felt something on my shoulder.* WHAT THE HELL* I turned and Y/N was sleeping one my shoulder." Well bakugo could never be popular with his attitude" the frog bitch said" WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY BITCH" I questioned while jumping up. Shit Y/ N was asleep on my shoulder. " we just meet and we already know you personality is flaming crap and garbage" dunce face said. " ILL MAKE YOU WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN" that's when there was a dark aura " SHUT THE HELL UP, BECAUSE OF YOUR SHORT TEMPER I WAS WOKEN UP" everyone all calmed down and sat and I thought my mom was scary. Never get on Y/N'S bad side.

Y/N point of view

I was sleeping peacefully on something soft until I was pushed to the floor and woken up so rudely. Oh Bakugo is dead. " SHUT THE HELL UP BECAUSE OF YOUR SHORT TEMPER I WAS WOKEN up" I shouted everyone quited down." All right everyone we are here unload" aizawa said after my outburst. Everyone unloaded and saw a pro hero." Hello everyone, welcome to my rescue training facility. My name is thirteen" wow she looks like a marshmallow." Come on in, it looks better that way." We all followed the marshmallow in the huge dome shaped building. " Welcome to USJ everyone".

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