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a boy roamed trough the streets with a numb expression plastered in his face, emptiness flowing through every vein in his body and tears were dried on his rosy cheeks.

every step he made, he kicked away a piece of rock or gravel, his mind replaying the same moment over and over.

how could he do this to me?! he thought they were happy together.. he remember how they had confessed to each other exactly a year ago..

beomgyu was happy to spend the new year eve with his friends and mostly with him. him, his long year crush, hwang hyunjin.

the guy was so handsome, so talented and so amazing according to beomgyu and his laugh was so contagious; beomgyu would kill if anyone hurt him. the raven-haired boy always dressed up so well, even beomgyu's fashion skills couldn't compare to his.

hyunjin changed his hair colour often but it wasn't like beomgyu minded a bit, all colours looked good on the male, he was too handsome and hot, the younger boy always got butterflies in his stomach around him.

just by other's presence beomgyu got shy, not being able to speak properly without stuttering and that's why he always nicely refused to hang out with the older alone. just simple because that wouldn't end up good.

just a month ago, hyunjin and his ex boyfriend broke up so beomgyu was sure the other wasn't straight. his ex, changbin, used to be their friend as well, but after they had broken up, the fella hasn't hung out with them since then.

it took a while for hyunjin to move on from the other guy, but he eventually did and then he seemed like he was happy being single. so beomgyu was scared he had no chance with him.

beomgyu sighed and quickly wiped his tears that were caused by the emotion flow from all his stupid thoughts about his friend who was only his friend, nothing more, away. sometimes he expected too much from life.

"why did you cry, beomie-ah?" a voice startled the boy, making him jump in surprise. it was no one else, but hyunjin himself and what was scaring the younger the most, it was only them two there.

beomgyu gulped, not being able to get even a simple sound of him, his throat was so dry and he could feel tears stinging in the corners of his eyes. he just wanted to run, run so far away from his hopeless crush.

"i'm sorry for asking so straightforward.. i'm just worried about you, you know.." hyunjin sighed and approached the other, wrapping his strong pair of arms around his small frame to pull him in a warm tight hug.

they were exactly the same height, but that didn't stop beomgyu from burying his embarrassed face in hyunjin's broad shoulder, while he wrapped his arms around other's torso to return the hug.

he could feel the older smiling and heat quickly rushed to his cheeks, painting them various shades of red, while his heart was racing like crazy. the other was simply having a strong influence on him.

"beomie, before the year ends i need to tell you something." hyunjin said seriously, while pulling away from the hug to look deeply into other's eyes, making the boy even more nervous than he already was.

"oh god, beomgyu.. you are so fucking cute.. my heart can't take it.." hyunjin mumbled for himself, but the younger caught the sentence, what caused his cheeks turn crimson red with no way of hiding it.

hyunjin came closer, cupping beomgyu's cheeks, his stare stuck on his lips, while the tip of his tongue slowly slid across his own lower lip in a teasing way, what made the other gasp for air and crave to go bury himself alive from embarrassment.

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