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I knew that Aaron liked this boy
"I KNEW YOU WERE NO GOOD FOR HIM" I yelled angrily. Then he looked back at me with confusion written all over his face. The group of girls slowly backed up knowing what I'm capable of. "W-what?" he asked breathing in a shallow breath. "oh did you don't know what his "disease " is!" "N-no" he said looking down in guilt. "of course not" I said rolling my eyes. When I finally looked at him I could see him crying. That's when my heart broke. Just knowing that I did that. I felt so bad that I couldn't feel Aaron coming back.
I looked up to see that everyone had left it was only me, Erica, and Blake. When I looked closer I could see that Blake was crying. Imaditly knowing that Bolt must have said something to him. I felt like it was my job to comfort him. So I walked up to him and put my arms around him. Since I was shorter I had to get on my tippy toes.
After about 5 minutes sitting on the floor rocking him back and forth slowly at this point we had missed the bus and Erica got picked up. I decided we should leave so I got up and offered him my hand.
After we left school we decided to go to a old park and sit on a bench. I had forgot my jacket in my locker so I was cold. "so.... I'm sorry for Bolt he has a short temper" I mumbled looking over to him. "yeah you never told me what you have" he said "I haveDID" I said looking down.
I didn't care that he had DID honestly I don't think I could hate him for anything. Then I noticed he was cold so I put my arm around him and pulled him close to me and put my jacket around us.
We stayed like that till he had to go home
I had just walked in the door when I heard a voice that sounded familiar. So I decided to go to the kitchen to see who it was when I saw someone I never wanted to see again.

My Broken PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now