1. C Jamm - Explore Me [Smut]

749 9 8

Requested by akarijeong 

A/N: Happy New Year 2020 <3 I hope this is not too ooc bc I don't know a lot about C Jamm, pls enjoy regardless!


„Hey, Byungyoon!" you greeted and waved at him as you approached him. You were happy to see him – it felt like ages ago that you last talked to each other. It was nice to come back home to your old church and meet the people you used to always go to mass with – such as Byungyoon. Whom you hadn't seen around much since he'd gotten so famous and you were so successful in your job.

"Y/N!" He seemed to be just as happy about seeing you if the grin on his face was anything to go by.

"It's been months! I'm so glad to see you. How have you been?" he asked, putting his hand on your shoulder.

"Very good, actually. Very busy with work but now that things have calmed down a bit I have a bit more time to myself. How about you? I heard you released a new album just recently." Running one hand through your hair you smiled at him, awaiting his answer.

The two of you started catching up with each other like that, he told you about his projects he did, mocked you for not having listened to his full album yet and then, after having talked for a while, invited you to a gig where he would perform with a few friends.

You had always gotten along well with him and had also seen him live a few times but it really had been a while, so you actually considered taking him up on the offer – even though these wild hip hop concerts usually weren't your thing.

Though you figured it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun every once in a while, so you told Byungyoon that you'd love to see him perform again.

Coming back home from church you found yourself very happy about having met your old acquaintance and realized that you were looking forward to this club performance event thing.


At the day of the concert you made sure to dress up after getting off work, it wasn't every week that you went out to a club so of course you had to take this chance.

Byungyoon had texted you about how he would get you in together with him so you wouldn't have to wait in line.

When you arrived at the club with him and you guys went inside he told you to order whatever at the bar and wait for him and the others to do soundchecks. It was still another hour until they would let people in.

After a successful soundcheck Byungyoon introduced you to some people which you had never heard of before – except for one of them: Byungyoon's best friend Sungmin.

You were familiar with all of BewhY's songs so of course you knew C Jamm but you had never paid much attention to him before – you had always admired Byungyoon for being friends with someone so different from himself.

Sungmin was basically sin on two legs and if you were being honest to yourself, you were kind of intimidated by him since you knew he had gotten out of jail this year and was very... thug-like. It felt so awkward as Byungyoon introduced you to each other but you tried to just smile politely and be nice.

The first people were let into the venue, you had gotten a decent spot where you weren't too close but still had quite the good view over the performance. The atmosphere was different from the previous concerts you had been to – this was a club and everything was much smaller and somehow dirtier and wilder than at normal concerts.

People were here to party and have a good time and you couldn't help but feel slightly uneasy in between all of the hyped up female fans and the guys of which a few had already checked you out. You didn't know if you were flattered or slightly disgusted. Probably a mix of both.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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