Ch. 7 Bad Virgil no!!

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The three men started screaming as Anxiety hissed at Thomas.

"I-It's okay Anxy he's okay not bad!!" Patton tries calming him down but all Anxiety does is growl more and looks around in anger but also scared. Thomas suddenly falls on to his knees as he started shaking.

"Thomas!!" Remy and Patton scream as Anxiety gets anxious even more.

Thomas-"I-I I d-don't feeeel ss so go- good d guys!!!" His shaking gets worse.

Remy-"What's happening to him!?"

Patton-"He's having a Anxiety attack!!"

Remy looks concerned as he runs over to Anxiety and places his hand on his head as glowing sandy like stuff comes from his hand. A few seconds go by and Anxiety falls to the floor, going back to his smaller state.

Pat.-"What did you do?" Remy looks over at him and shrugs.

"I put him to sleep, duh." Remy told him with a bored looking expresstion.

Patton picks up anxiety and hugs him gently. They go over to Thomas who in sitting down and breathing slowly.

Remy-"You good gurl?" Thomas nods as an answer.

Thomas-"Yeah yeah. Why did he do that?"

Patton-"He was probably nervous meeting you or something. He probably didn't like the feeling to well."

Thomas-"Is... is that what Virgil thought on the inside when we first met him?" Thomas looks at the sleeping side in worry.

"It would make sense since his anxiety is heightened. It goes to show just how much he was hiding from everybody." Thomas and Remy look over at Patton confused.

"What? I've felt it since he's been around me. It's with all of you guys actually. I feel the joy roman gets when he thinks of something new to do. Logan starts thinking to much for his own good so I calm him down with tea and a optional movie. And anxiety.... well he's always panicked and scared out of his mind, so I've always just... been kind to him."

Patton looks down at anxiety and hugs him close.

Remy-"Wow patton.... your now my favorite side, well beside Emile and Virgil of course."

Thomas looks at anxiety sadly and pets him as well. "I'm so sorry I haven't known sooner virgil, I'm sorry for the way I treated you and didn't see you as I see the others."

No one would have noticed the small shadow that appeared in virgil's room.

Roman's pov.

"Now tell me how to undo it witch!!" I screamed at the beaten witch as she growled in anger and slammed her hands on the checkers table.

'What you thought I'd actually fight her with my sword fairest reader? I'm more humain than that!'

Dragon witch-"How?! I had four more pieces vs your one king!!!" She glares at me angrily. "Now tell me something, what am I helping you out with now? You came in screaming for help but never said anything of it."

"It's virgil he-" I couldn't explain further as she interrupted me.

Witch-"What?! My virgy!!! What did you guys do now?!!" Her magic was flying off her at this point.

"Y-yes it's our fault but we were blinded by what we thought was wrong was actually not. We are gravely sorry for what we did. He turned into a creature of some sort and we don't know how to fix it!!"

The Witch looked at me for some time before signing sadly.

Witch-"I really wish I could help you guys out, I really do, but this is something your going to have to figure out on your own."

"What? So I came over here for nothing!!?" She glared at me with hatred.

Witch-"No you didn't not come over here for nothing, you came because of virgil! He's messed up right now cause of your mistakes and you think it's for nothing still!? You sides caused this on him and he never deserved it. Do you know how many times he came here and cried on my shoulders and asked me to make him better?!? .... to make himself like you all!!!?!"

She stood up and walked over to me. "I swear if I didn't care so much for virgil all of you sides would be burning for your mistakes. He means the world to me. And fine I'll give you a hint to help him out. 'Shall one blossom in the night and dies in the day, should still be taken care of as it's dead state just as it's night form. For it will see to it that you care.' Now Roman do you really care?"

She turns away and leaves into the imagination room and leaves me confused.

'Why is she talking about plants when I wanna know about virgil?!'

I sign and walk out and into Logans room seeing him look through thousands of books in lightening speed.

"Found anything?" Logan doesn't look up from his books, nor does he look startled that I arrived.

Logan-"A few things actually. Like how virgil can feel thomas's Anxiety ten times more that Thomas. And how that monster he is now is his inner form taking shape. How we thought it's his rooms shadows that's doing it, it's not. Turns out virgil was dealing with so much pain that he released his inner self out as shadows just to keep the panic attacks and anxiousness inside."

"But how?! Nun of us do it and we are all made the same right?!"

Logan-"That's were your right and wrong. We are made to help thomas good or bad, we all have different abilities. But we all have a inner being as well, they just come out differently. Like how deciet had half a snake face and lies so much, that's how his inner being is shown. And how patton.... he thought he was good at hiding his and forgetting it exists because that's what it wants him to believe, pattons is his emotions, and memory. You have one, I have one, we all got one"

"What about thomas?" I look at him in concern as he rubs his eyes.

Logan-".... that Roman... Thomas's inner self is us.... we're what he deals with."

(My bad this took forever to do I really didn't know where to go with it and decided to go with the flow and random crap it all up.

Hope you enjoy loveliest!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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