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Reader POV

So I'm homeless. No I don't live at a homeless shelter nor am I in the system for foster care. I've tried bother but neither worked for me. Homeless shelter made me feel useless like I can't find or do thing by myself while I was treated like trash in Foster. They also tried to put me in the orphanage, but that was worse so eventually I ran away. The reason I'm homeless is my parents they dies in a car crash about 6 years back. I have no relatives alive or known because both my parents were orphans growing up. The good thing though is I was able to get into UA's hero course which means I pretty much have a set in stone future ahead of me.

I was walking to the dump after school when I felt like someone was watching me. Looking around I was met with no one which confused me because usually my instincts are never wrong. I continued to walk when I suddenly was shoved into an alley. Cliche right? Anyway one I hit the ground my knees got scraped and I turned around to see 3 y'all dudes slowly approaching. Crap I can't use my quirk because it's light and can only work when I'm in the light so it's not very helpful in the shadowed alley. Starting to panic the guy closest started talking.

"Who do we have here. A gorgeous (h/c). What should we do with her boys?" He asked the others as I started to shake.

"Well she would be a fun play toy." The 2nd guy spoke after.

"IM A HUMAN BEING YOU KNOW!" I screamed at them.

"Oh are you..well not anymore." The third guy grinned maliciously towards me. The look in his eyes made me shudder. Cowering back I slowly kept scooting backwards until hit the back wall. Welp now I'm cornered. How much more cliche can this get? I stand corrected.

Suddenly I here a crash and open my eyes to see Midoriya using his quirk to battle the guys off. I sat watching until he was finally done. The guys were all knocked out laying on the ground. He stood up straight panting and wiped the blood off his lips. Not gonna lie he looked hot. Looking towards my direction his expression softened to a small smile. He reached his hand out towards me and helped me up.

"How did you know I needed help?" I asked because I wasn't yelling that loud and we're really far away from the school.

"I saw those creeps following you the whole way from the school so I decided to follow to make sure you'd be alright. Guess I should've come sooner." He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck and smiled.

"I'm just glad you came when you did thank you." We started walking side by side out of the alley and towards the dump. The conversation was light and comfortable. It was nice having someone to talk to when I'm not in school. Most of the time I'm alone so it was fun to have a change of scene. Once we got to the dump he froze and I waved goodby. Though before I could get anywhere he grabbed my wrist.

"Wait why are we at the dump?" He asked honestly. I chuckled at his reaction.

"This is where Im heading. I come here everyday after school. You see my parents died when I was young so I come here to scavenge for anything I'll need then I head home." I knew he would ask question so I told him all of that just so I wouldn't have to later.

"Oh then where's your home. Is it around here?" He looked around, but didn't see and houses nearby. Only a small forest and some hills.

"I have a small tent in the forest (kind like fruits baskets). It's more practical because it's next to a river and waterfall so I can get water and shower!" I exclaimed happy that I had found a great place to live. As I was in thought I felt Midoriya start pulling me away from the dump and towards the forest.

"Hey what are you doing? I'm supposed to get some stuff at the dump before it closes!" I yelled struggling to escape his firm grip.

"We're going to you tent to get your stuff then heading to my house. I'm not gonna let you keep living like this everyday. We have a spare room at my house and my mom would definitely let you stay because she's so nice and understanding. You can eat there and borrow some clothes until..." I zoned out after that. A home. I haven't had a home since my parents died and even then they weren't ever really home since they were hero's so it didn't really feel like home. I stopped walking which made Izuku stop and he turned to look at me. He gasped seeing tears stream down my face. I promised I would never get close to someone again though at that moment I forgot about all of the bad things in my life and hugged him. It was like he washed all my problems away. Sobbing into his chest he hesitantly wrapped his arms around me. I could tell he was nervous though I didn't care because I finally had someone who cared about me. Pulling away I grabbed his hand a dragged him towards my tent. I only owned a few items which made it much easier for us to carry. I just put all my stuff in my backpack and packed up the old worn down tent. We walked back to the dump to throw away some stuff along with the tent, and began our trek to his house.

Should I do a part 2 on what went down when you guys got to his house? Let me know!

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