Chapter 13 - The Injury

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Oliver lay in his hospital bed after the x-ray. They had bandaged up his head and he looked worse for wear. Charlotte came in to see him, as she had brought a few items from home and some gifts from the hospital shop and as she walked in, he asked her:

"Who are you, if I may ask?"

Charlotte tried not to look too shocked that he had forgotten who she was. His dearest friend of many years and he had forgotten who she was. A tear sprung up in her tear duct. She had not expected him to have lost his memories from the head trauma.

Soon, Jimmy and Jane came to visit, and he didn't recognise them either. The doctor came in and explained that this could be a temporary loss of memory, but he had to do some more tests. He couldn't confirm whether it was TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) or not until he had consulted with other brain specialists. In the meantime, they should re-introduce themselves and explain who they were.

Jane started by explaining to Oliver that she was his daughter. Then it was Jimmy's chance to explain that he was his son-in-law. Finally, when it got around to Charlotte, she explained that she was his long-time friend. Oliver nodded but still had a blank look on his face.

When they went back to the sheep farm that night, Sarah took down the photo album from the top shelf and decided to take this in to show Oliver, in case that sparked any memories. Jane also took along a few of Oliver's special items that he may remember.

The doctor and the brain specialists confirmed that Oliver didn't have TBI and that they didn't have an explanation for his continued memory loss. He did remember from one hospital visit to another, who the people were who were coming to visit him but then he couldn't remember back to anything that had happened prior to the accident.

Charlotte sat next to his bed and held his hand gently in hers and placed the photo album on his bed. She opened it and started going through the photos with him.

"Do you remember this photo album and when you first saw it?" she asked.

Oliver looked at her blankly and shook his head as if to say "No".

She patiently explained about the fire on the sheep farm and that he had been a volunteer firefighter who had saved her life. Oliver seemed happy to hear that story and picked up a pencil and paper next to his bed and jotted it down, so that he wouldn't forget.

"Please leave that photo album behind when you leave, Charlotte?"

"Sure, Oliver," she replied with a meek smile.

The next time she came to the hospital, she found him deep in thought paging through the photo album, as if some memories may be coming back to him. Charlotte asked the doctor if Oliver could be released into her care, but the hospital insisted that Oliver remain in the hospital under observation.

Oliver remained in hospital for a few more weeks until he was finally given the all clear to go home. He asked Charlotte if he could come and stay in the larger farmhouse with his daughter and their family.

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