Part 5

188 20 5

In airport

Arjun: bye bro take care happy journey

Adi waves at arjun and went to plane

Adi adjusted himself in his window seat which is business cls and his besides was empty
Each two seats were arranged in a private cabin in a high cls flight

Suddenly some one came besides him he turned to look his co passenger he was not expecting that he was shock she is zoya

Zoya: sahir.. U here  to London
For exhibition right

Adi: yaa u too

Zoya: yess
  see destiny that we missed coffee yesterday so god plans are something we have 16 hrs to catch up 😍

Adi: yes god is beginning crazy

Adi was both happy and nervous at the same time

Zoya started talking she is soo excited while talking to him and saying things from there childhood and all
Adi was smiling and starting at her
While zoya asks

Zoya: by the way sahir how is u r silent brother did he even change or still sitting alone in the corner

Adi: he is not silent zoya just he will not express thing out to others
he will only shares to his loved ones but he is a gem

Adi wanted to showcase about himself in front of her so he started praising adi himself

Zoya: haa but he is not that much innocent that u r thinking he can express things
while u both r leaving to Australia he gave me a letter

Flashback 20 years back

While harsh said that they are leaving tomorrow to Australia adi was in shock that he dont even know that feeling that with out seeing her so he thought to write a letter to her before he go


i dont know wt to say but i will miss u very much i always wanted to play with u be with u
But i will never forget u i dont know wt feeling is this, when i got to know we are shifting to Australia from that moment onwards my heart is painful
That only because of you
I think this wt says in the movies is love
I think im love with u zoya
Love u forever

Adi written the letter and kept it safely in his pocket

Next day even thay were leaving zoya was crying for sahir that she miss him while at that time adi went to her side and all r busy on packing luggage in the car while adi gave her the letter and gave her peck on her cheek and run away from her

Zoya was stun for that moment and rubbing her cheek while there car left to airport

Adi was shocked for that but he want to know wt was her reaction for that letter

Adi: he gave u letter wt was in that

Zoya: he written that he loves me

Adi: then wt was u r reaction do u like him

Zoya: how i would like him i dont even know him when he was grown that to at that time he was very quiet sitting alone i dont like that kind of people
And i alway admire u sahir i was waiting for u since u leave

Adi hide his tears
mean while
Air hostess : excuse me sir, mam would u like to have ur dinner

Adi wanted to divert the topic

Adi: yes im hungry u zoya

Zoya: yeah me too
Both says sandwiches

While air hostess server ther sandwiches and leave

Zoya was thinking while eat
When ever i says him that i like him he is diverting the topic and he did not even reply me for that msg did he feels the same feeling that i feel for him
After eating they both are quite
he dont know wt to say and he just put his hade phones and closed eyes

Zoya also slowly slept and she placed her head on his shoulders adi was surprised at that moment
And he bent down for her convenience and her head is on his neck
Adi just feeling her presence and pressed his lip on her hair

And slowly he went in to deep sleep

Next day

Zoya woke up first and she noticed that her position soo close to him her head is on his chest and his hands on her waist

Her heart beating is raising slowly she tilting her head up with out disturbing his sleep
Both faces are inch a part and she couldn't control her self seeing him this close he is soo cute and innocent at the same time
She pressed her lips over his forehead follow by eyes, check and she was staring on his lips and she just move to him while closing her eyes just there lips about to touch the plane got a bit turbulence
Automatically her lips pressed to his he woke up suddenly and shocked what happing and she moved back noticing he woke up

Zoya: i just woke up then turbulence
I fallen on u and that just happened im sorry

Adi: thats ok fn im also sry i just slept over that close

Both are embarrassing

Zoya went to the wash room and she was in shock wt just happened i was in not my control when he was near me what is happening to me
goddd its so embarrassing when he wake up
What would he think about me
After she just washes her face and went to sit

She was not looking at his

Adi: is everything is fn

Zoya : yaa im fine.

Adi thought to divert her mind

Adi: so where are staying in London

Zoya: some xyz hotel

Adi: im also staying there u will be there for 3 days right

Zoya: yaa wow thank god sahir i was thinking that how can i spend alone here after exhibition

Adi : yaa mee too
They both are happy that they want to spend more time with each other

They both are landed in London and reaches to there hotel

While there both rooms are opposite to each other

In Mumbai
On phone cl
Sahir: dad i found that man who cheats on us by given our last new collection of clothing line samples to our oponent Mr khanna

Harsh: who is that fox who back stab us

Sahir: Mr. Singania dad

Harsh: whattttttt

Next: flash back

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