Chapter one: Interesting

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      'Today's the day' you thought, holding a heavy box filled with books and other items you set it in the back of your fathers car and wipe a little sweat for your forehead. "Is that all my stuff dad?" you question looking around the truck, watching him load two more boxes. "I think so" he laughs tapping the back of the truck and heading up to the front of the car. "Y/n I don't believe my little girl is going to the number one school in all of (idk the town name heheh) I'm so proud of you" he smiled at you. "Thanks dad" you responded hopping into the truck. "Are you coming? We're gonna be late" you question. He checks his watch and swiftly runs around the truck. "Shit we took too long to pack your stuff I'm sorry y/n, lets head out". He  starts up the truck and pulls out if the stove way onto the road. 

You look out the window wondering how the school is gonna treat you, is the school teachers nice? Is the homework bad? Are the people nice? These are all the questions you ask yourself before you groan out long hitting your forehead against the cold class window.

"What's wrong sparky. I've never seen you this worked up over transferring a school, I know that things have been off since your mother left. But you can't let little things like this worry you. You've transferred schools like this before and you've had no problem with it, what's the difference between Westren and all the others you transferred from?" he worried asks, shifting in your seat you turn to looks at him and answer "dad, we've been over this. What happened to mom isn't what's bothering me neither is the school.

It's just I've heard so many good and bad things about the school and I'm just worried about the people that go there that's all. His face softens and he responds "honey, you'll do just fine in this school I promise, what happened back then is never gonna happen again I promise with my life" he says putting his hand to his heart. "Thanks dad" You says turning back to the widow looking out at the many fields and trees you pass, and in second your falling asleep...




You jump in your seat looked at who called you. Your dad stood by the passengers seat with a smile spread on his face. "Are we here?" you look around seeing a large school, and amazing sceanery. You watched as a large crowd of people passed by, there conversations fusing together making hard to know what they were saying. Your dad nods his head slowly "Are you ready to go to your dorm sparky?" he asked going around the truck and grabbed two boxes. "yeah I guess I'm ready for the chaos that's about the unravel" you chuckle running your hand through your H/C hair and grabbed a box heading to the dorm sections.

After ten minutes of walking and trying to find your dorm you finally make it to the third floor of the fifth dorm building. Your dad left about twenty minutes ago after helping you get the rest of your boxes and clothes.

You looked at the piece of paper the head administrator gave you reading the dorm number. '3284'. 'This is my dorm? I wonder who my roommate is and if there nice or not' you thought, before hesitantly reaching  for the door knocking on a couple of times. The door whooshed open and a light haired girl with a blue bow stood at the door way looking surprised. "oh my...are you the new roommate the administrator told me about?" She questioned looking you up and down. "yea, my names y/n" you fumble around with your stuff trying to free your hand so you can give her a handshake. "Remi" she responds moving to the side so you can bring your stuff in and get settled. You made your way into the dorm to see a neat kitchen and a lovely living room. There was a hallway with three doors, bathroom and bedrooms. Remi turns to you "your bedroom is the farthest down on the right/middle/left " Remi says turning and heading towards the coach. You make your way down the hall and open the door. There was a nice bed and a wooden deck in the corner with a tv sitting on a brown dresser. "Time to unpack".

After two grueling hours of organizing your stuff you fall face first onto your bed and groan. Today has been such a long day and tomorrow you get a whole day of exploring the school before you start going to classes. Minutes later you hear a knock at your door and a soft 'can i come in?' you say yes and the door slides open slowly revealing a happy looking Remi. walks over to you and plops onto your bed. "what's up?" You ask sitting up from your previous position and sit criss-cross applesauce. "I just want to ask some questions about you" she smiled.
"Go on?.."
She immediately jumps into a questions and asks, "So what's your ability?"
"Low electricity levels, I can basically charge things such as phones and tablets, i can also rewind things that once contained electricity like dead batteries, dead TVs and etc. I'm not very in control of my power yet so I'm not sure what i can do but that's what I know of so far" you answer truthfully.
"Oh wow, my ability is lighting there very similar" she inquired
"Yeah I guess you me right" you say bashfully
"What's your favorite color" she laughs
"Favorite color, what's your's?"
"pink" she answered
You both start a conversation about school and classes and personal questions while you guys munch on cookies she made, before you both knew it, it was dark outside and Remi had school in the morning so you both bid fairwrlls and goodnight before you got settled in bed, pulling your covers over you, you snuggled in. "today was interesting" you thought before you fell into a soft sleep.
thank you so much for reading my first chapter it means a lot to me, I'll be writing and posting chapter 2 on Thursday:) be patient this story is gonna be flipping fantastic!! Have a good day!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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