Get there !!!

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Jesse was trying to get a hold of Jake as he enters the water to conduct a rescue.
"The worlds biggest wave competition is back today at Bondi beach. The winner will be chosen by world champion Bethany Hamilton. Unfortunately for the gloomy weather but also thanking the weather for the huge surf today and the life guards along the beach will take care of you ". The radio was turned up louder by Kerr box in the tower as he watching the rest of the boys set up the beach.

It was about mid day when I leapt into the surf from the beach. I go at least 200 meters from shore before the killer wave came along. I start paddling before the break of it and it leaves and I miss it. So annoyed I wait out for another wave and the next wave is even bigger being at least an 8ft wave. I paddle in before the break this time and the waves crest is right behind me. I stand swerving my hips to make the board move and making it easier for me to stay on the board longer.

I nearly get trapped under the wave but quickly make it out. I continue with this wave for another minute or so before I get really close to the rocks on the south side. The wave pushing me closer to the rocks. I'm not concentrating on how close I am to the rocks. The wave suddenly throws me off my board and pushing me right into the rocks. I smash head first right into them and immediately black out.

Jesse, kerrbox and maxi are in the tower,Jake and harries are the south side, reidy and whippet are in the middle of the beach, mouse and jethro are on the north side. Maxi and Jesse are watching the surf competition from the tower.

Jesse POV
When I see Gemma leave the beach into the surf i go to maxi, " hey maxi you see the girl in the surf".
"Yeah", he replies, "that's Jake's sister".
"No way really", " Yep", "does he know she is here", "nope she told me not to tell him", " what why I would want to know if my sibling was in town", " yeah I know but I respect her wishes so she can surprise him after her surf".
When i focuses my eyes back on the water i catch the split second Gemma gets flung from her board right into the rocks. "SHIT!!", " what is it Jess", " she just got flung right into the rocks".

" this is the tower to Jake and harries do you copy", " yes️ this is Jake and harries go ahead", "the young girl surfing just then that had the killer wave has just been flung into the rocks and hasn't come back up", "yeah jess um Jake is gonna go in", " GET THERE fast Jake she hasn't come up for awhile now". Once Jake had left the beach I contacted the other buggies for a resus.

"This is Jessie and maxi to any remaining life guards on the beach there is a resus so get to the south side of the Beach ASAP", "yeah copy Jesse, jethro and I will pick up the defib on the way over", "yeah kerrbox will catch a ride over to the resus", "yeah copy".

Sorry this story is really bad so sorry if you don't like it.

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