Thanks :)

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Jake POV
She was finally asleep. I hoped into her bed. Cuddling up to her. So maybe then I could get sleep too. In the end I did. I awoke with a start. Gemma was moving around, obviously having a nightmare. I got out of the bed and went and got a nurse.

I approached a nurse asking for his assistance, he immediately followed me to Gemma's room. By the time we returned she was sitting up right drenched in sweat.
"Hey Gem you ok?", she just looked at me with innocent eyes and nodded. "Yeah just a nightmare, I'm fine honestly". I looked at her in disbelief, while nodding. "Also, when can we go home. I'm done with hospitals". As she finished her sentence, the nurse walked in. "So. Miss Nolan, you will be discharged very soon. In the meantime you will need to take these pills daily for the next month. Your next appointment is in a months time. Take care". I nodded at the nurse and picked up Gemma.

Gemma POV
Jake carried me out to car and placed me into the passenger seat. He ran around the car and jumped in the drivers seat. "So gem, you know you're now coming to work with me everyday until your better". I nod knowing my fate. That I promised my brother that if I got injured or hurt while home alone, I'd have to go to work with him until I'm better. And probably ages after that, cause knowing him he is not going to let me be home by myself ever again. "Hello, gem. I'm talking to you".
"Sorry what".
"I asked what you wanted for dinner, do you want pizza". I immediately nodded. "Ok well I know your favourite, so meat lovers it is".

Jake POV
"Gemma, wake up time for pizza". We arrived home at least half an hour ago and I ordered pizza. Once she was awake, I opened the box and inhaled the sweet smell of delicious pizza 🍕.

So I know I haven't updated in a while but I had writers block and couldn't think of anything for this book. I really do enjoy this lovely book and I'll try my best to update a bit more. Thanks for reading x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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