Chapter 2

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The silence was deafening as we walked, filled with questions that couldn't be asked and truths that couldn't be told. "My name's Theo, in case you were wondering" she said quietly wrapping her arms around her still shaking form. I already knew her name, it was hard to forget, different and quirky yet perfectly suited to her. "Nathan" I replied.

She narrowed her eyes at that, scrunching her nose in a displeased manner. "You didn't ask about my name" she said, almost accusingly.

"Some things are better left as mystery" was my witty reply but that only seemed to annoy her more

"Yeah but everyone asks -"

"And that really annoys you, I bet" She gave me a side glance and an almost smile before nodding.

"Not as much as you not asking" her eyes met mine and I could almost see the curiosity within them, as if she was seeing me for the first time. The same way I saw her. "It's almost as if you can see all my secrets"

"Not all of them" I said, asking the silent question. She sighed and looked away, her almost smile falling away to expose her real feelings and all the pain within her heart.

"You know how people say you should choose your friends wisely?" she started at me with her mesmerising blue eyes looking for some kind of understanding and I nodded knowing exactly what she meant, knowing exactly how much her heart hurt "Well I always pick wrong ... and every single time I'm left remembering why. Why I shouldn't trust anyone. Why it's so much better to have enemies than friends" she said laughing, making me question how long it had taken her to make it so convincing "They always remind me why I'll never belong" she whispered staring at the ground obviously embarrassed that she'd exposed herself so simply to a stranger so I gave her my sad though on life.

"Cause you can be good at everything your taught and still not belong, still not feel welcome or cherished or loved ... it's how the wold works" she nodded, taking comfort in my statement; her fiery eyes dry and burning. But that didn't mean her heart wasn't crying or something wasn't wrong and so I wrapped my arms around her. I showed her she could belong somewhere, if only just for a moment, only one short note in the symphony of her life.

I watched her from afar.Where stories live. Discover now