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"Love is not something you go out and look for....
Love finds you, and when it does, ready or not....
It will be the best thing to ever happen to you!"

4 Months Later~

Irene's POV:-

It's been 4 months since I have met EXO. Everything has been well. We all have gotten very close with each other. They know about the thing between me and Suho.

They were supportive. They even wanted us to become a real couple. Actually.... I have no problem with it! Honestly, I have started to like him..... He is so caring and loving towards everybody, especially his members.

He takes all the blame on himself. He listens to each and every one of them. At times when they make fun of him, he doesn't like it but still just let's it pass on.

The members also care a lot about him. For example,


I was sitting with the members and talking to them while Suho had gone to the principal to discuss about something.

"So Irene how do find us? " Kris asked me. We have actually gotten better and closer . He just acts cold but he isn't. "You guys are very good.....All of you make me happy and let me forget my griefs. I am also thankful for letting me be friends with you guys and not just a manager! I finally felt how it is to be friends with people!"  I said with a smile. All of them passed me a smile.

"By the way, remember the first day I came..." I asked them. "Yes..."  Luhan and Tao said in unison. Both of them looked at each other and started fighting "Why do you always copy me? I am the eldest!" Luhan said. "But I am the most manliest!" Tao backfired.

"Oh please everybody knows who's what okay?!" Luhan said. "Stop fighting! Let her continue!!" Baekhyun and Kris screamed at the same time. I laughed. They both shot a glare towards each other and then asked me to continue "When Suho asked you guys to leave why did all of  you  say 'Are you sure?!' " I asked curiously.

"Actually Suho is very sensitive and light-hearted even tough he may at times be seen as a bad person!" Lay said. What he said was true! At time he gets sabotaged.... That is why I feel bad for him. 

"He takes care of all of us but we are never able to do so the way he does....But we still try our best!" Xiumin said.

"He trusts people easily and gets betrayed most of the times! So we have started getting protective towards him and other members also!" Kai said with a sad smile.

"He is also very supportive towards every member! Don't you guys agree?" Baekhyun exclaimed. " Yes! That's true he has supported all of us a lot!" Chanyeol replied.

"He is my role model! As I'm the youngest I notice things/stuff around me, he handles everything nicely!"   Sehun said.

" He has helped me out since I have joined in here! He makes people around him comfortable."  Kyungsoo said.

I was just sitting and wondering that their bond is so strong.... They all understand each other....

"Even though he cracks bad jokes and is a bit untidy but he is the best leader!"  Chen exclaimed making everyone laugh. My eyes were watering.

"Even though I am the leader of EXO-M... I myself wish to be in EXO-K. I am jealous of them (referring to EXO-K members)". Kris said and pouted. I laughed including everybody else in the room.

"It's okay we know we are better!" Chanyeol said while laughing and high fived with Kai. Making us laugh more and all of us earning a death glare from Kris. But we didn't stop.

"I am just so happy about you guys being together! I wish you all stay together forever and always perform for your fans, happily!"  I happily said and clapped my hands for them.
"Thank you but it includes you also!"  Tao said.

Then everybody said "We are one! We are EXO!"  they said happily.

End of flashback~

All of them share such a strong bond with each other which makes me want to take care of them and support them even more. I am so happy to take this job as their manager.

I have been thinking so much during the class I had just now. My school has made some special arrangements for us meaning EXO and me, as we miss a lot of classes.....

I was sitting with Suho and thinking all of this while staring at him as he was concentrated to what the teacher was teaching......

A few minutes later~

"Hey! What are you looking at? Are you okay?"  Suho cut me off from my thoughts by saying it with a sweet smile. "A-a-ah y-yes ! I-I am fine!" I said while stammering as I was embarrassed .

Suho started chuckling making me blush and said "You're so cute!" he said still giggling. I was feeling like my heart would burst any moment now......

I know some of you think that its too fast to like him or something.... But I can't stop....

There is never a time or place to fall in love. It happens accidentally.....

Authors note:

Hey guys! I know I am very bad! I am sorry for updating late!
Anyways I just want to say one more thing that please support our dear CHEN!! He is getting married and expecting a child! Congratulations to him 🎉❣️

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