Demetrianna- Daughter of Hell

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Hey. My second book.


Please read. :)


My thirteenth birthday. Not that anyone cares. I'm in a care home. No mum. No dad. All hope is gone. I'll be here the rest of my life. I get dressed in my signature jeans and a hoodie. My room is white. It reflects my life. Dull.

I trudge downstairs to see Sarah my care worker waiting for me.

"Happy Birthday Demi." she says, trying to sound cheerful and upbeat.

"Whatever, it's not like you care." I push my way past her.

" Of course I do! It's your thirteenth birthday!" she tries to lighten the mood.

" Yeah, and thirteen years science I was abandoned by my parents." yes, call me pessimistic but that's what happens when you've been in care all your life, never having had a proper family.

" Yours and Shannon's birthday party tonight!" Oh she is trying too hard. Shannon is a 15 year old girl who is my sworn enemy in this hell hole.

I grab some cereal but Shannon walks in, taking the cereal from my hand.

" I've had 3 cards from the boys in my class and a card from my parents, how bout you, Demi?" did I mention Shannon is the hottest girl in my school? And she knows I get no cards.

"Cut it out Shannon! We all know they're from the chavs, your their dream girl!" Thomas walks in, saving me before I lost it with Shannon. Georgina comes in then, our trainee care worker, and she starts frying the ceremonial birthday breakfast of bacon and eggs.

"Go sit down, the lot of you." to say she's not good with children is the understatement of the year. She's awful, and sticks up for Shannon.

I go and sit down, wanting the conversation to be over with. But of course, Shannon being Shannon, she has to carry on with the insults. She sits in front of me, and I concentrate on the bacon cooking, not giving Shannon the satisfaction. She starts showing everyone her cards, saying who they're from. Thomas is right, they're from all the chavs.

Michael comes in then, with his "real" toy turtle in one hand and the post in the other. He hands out the letters, one for Georgina, three for Shannon, and none for me. Shannon opens her cards, they're from her parents.

"Ooh look," she starts, " They're from my PARENTS. Haha, not like you'd get any. Your probably died the minute they saw your ugly baby face!"

I can feel it now, the fire of anger running through my veins, but this is different, its not painful this time, it's pleasurable. I can imagine the bacon behind Shannon setting on fire.

The minute I think that it promptly does, and spreads all the way up the kitchen walls, suddenly the fire alarm starts going off, and everyone runs outside, screaming. Well, everyone except me, of course. Why be scared of a little fire?

I trudge slowly outside, with Shannon glaring at me, she threatens under her breath,

"This is you, I know it!" I don't what she's going on about. Yeah, I wished that to happen, but people cannot control fire. Can they?


Okay... Chapter 1 what'd you think, shall I carry on? Comment please, and maybe pass this on if you liked it, pass it on if you didn't and if your not sure recommend it please. :))



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