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His father set the map out on the table, getting a red marker and drawing arrows.

"Attack patrol A will take the left side of the castle as that's where its weakest. It has 9 guards less than the right side. Attack patrol B and C, take the middle, attack patrol D will take the right and anyone not assigned to a patrol will take the back." The king scanned his knights and warriors, his eyes resting on Rye.

Rye had his sword in his holster, his hand resting on it. His crown rested atop his head as he stood next to his brother, Robbie. All of them were nervous, this battle would take place in a month.

Rye was so anxious.

"Once the defence is weakened we will go in. Inside, should be the King and his son. Rye, Robbie. You know what to do." The king nodded at his sons, and Robbie nodded confidently. Rye shivered.


"Up, right, left!" The king snarled and Rye slashed upwards, kicking the sword out of his opponents hand by kicking at his right hand then swiping out his left leg. The guard fell to the floor and Rye was breathing heavily, sweat rolling down his face.

"Still too slow, Ryan." He sighed, pinching his nose bridge. "You know we won't be able to jump in when you're fighting the Prince."

"I know, dad." Rye assured him, yet it was empty. "I just need more practice."

"Again." The king demanded, and Rye tiredly stood his position as the guard got back on his feet.


Rye sat on the platform. He wasn't meeting Andy today, he just needed to think.

He had never seen the prince before in his life. He could be this scrawny kid who he could beat in a heartbeat. Or, it could be this massive muscular guy who could squish him under his foot.

Rye climbed down the tree the normal way, Andy's snark voice from a few nights again ringing in his head.
However, his thoughts weren't just on the battle.
Andy, Andy, Andy. His thoughts always drifted back to the blond boy, and how badly he wanted him.

Not just sexually, just as a partner. A companion. Someone who he could kiss, and cuddle and do everything with because they were his. His partner and his lover, and he wanted nothing more than that.

His feelings for Andy had been repressed for so long. His internalized homophobia and his disgust with himself because this was his best friend just made him too afraid to ever think about it. But recently he'd been thinking about him, his lips, his hands, his eyes, everything. Andy had stained his mind with thoughts that plagued his dreams and ruined perfectly good thoughts simply because he wanted to push him against a wall and kiss him freely.

He walked out of the forest, making his way to the village connected to the palace. It was a long walk.

He needed to talk to someone.

Brook had been his friend since he could walk. He used to speak to Brook everyday, but since his late night meetings with his crush and Brooklyn taking care of his sisters, he didn't really have chance to talk to him.

Brooklyn was the only one who knew about Andy and the thoughts Rye was having. He wasn't disgusted or horrified, he treat it how he would a girl crush. He was lovely.

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