2. Tony Stark: Bad dreams and cold

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Diagnosis: Cold

Sick!Tony, Protective boyfriends!Bucky&Steve

Pairing: SteveXTonyXBucky


I was falling and falling. The hole was further and further away. I'm going to hit the floor and there's no way I'll survive this I thought to myself. I was sweating in my armour. But just before I hit the floor, I heard someone calling my name. 

I woke up with a scream. 

I was gasping for air. Somebody hugged me and pulled me in his lap. ˝Ssshhh,˝ Bucky whispered, rocking me back and forth gently. ˝You'll be okay. It was just a dream. It's okay.˝

Another pair of hands wrapped around me. Steve started running his fingers through my hair. I was slowly calming down. Bucky kissed my forehead, then frowned. He put a back of his had on my forehead.

˝You seem a little hot there, Tin Can.˝ I chuckled. 

˝Damn hot.˝ Both of the Super soldiers rolled their eyes and Steve put his hand on my face. 

˝God, Tony! You are burning!˝ On that comment the mechanic voice echoed through the room.

˝To be precise, his body temperature is 101.66°F, which is not even close to the temperature where human flesh can combust,˝ Jarvis explained. ˝Therefore, I can assure you, Captain Rogers, that mister Stark only has a fever and is not in fact burning.˝ Bucky laughed.

˝Thanks, J,˝ he thanked AI, before looking back at me. I could see how he switched into his ˝Nurse Barnes˝ mode. I knew I had less than five seconds to persuade him that I'm fine or he'll start panicking. 

But to be honest I didn't felt well. I was cold and my nose felt congested. Still, I didn't want them to worry. 

˝I'm feeling totally fine, Bucky. No need to worry.˝ He still looked concerned and Steve interupted us. 

˝Tony, you have a pretty high fever and you are shaking. That doesn't seem fine to me.˝ I spoke up, my voice sounding more raspy than intended. 

˝Maybe I'm a little bit coll ... Achoo! cold˝ I finnaly admitted, my teeth rattling. Steve handed me a paper tissue from nightstand and I blew my nose.

˝Yeah, looks like you caught a cold when you fell into this half frozen lake on mission. We need to warm you up.˝ Bucky glanced at the clock.

˝It's almost seven, so I think we should probably get up. Maybe we can take a bath? It should help to lower your fever.˝ I nodded, too frezingly cold to consider other benefits of taking a bath together. 

˝That'll be Achoo!, great.˝ Steve wraped his blanket around me, then got up.

˝Wait here, you two. I'll fill the bath,˝ he said, while navigating his way over the dimly lit room. He accidentaly kicked the drawer and quietly cursed ˝Fu***** sh**!˝  

Both me and Bucky yelled back: ˝Language!˝ in unision. He looked back over his shoulder. 

˝Bucky, you should be so gratefull right now that Tony is sick or I'll pour the coldest water I could get on both of you,˝ he treatened on his way to the bathroom, turning the light on. 

I leaned against Bucky, covering my eyes with my arm. The strong light was giving me a headache. Bucky noticed this and turned off the lights. 

˝Is that better?˝ he asked and I nooded. I focused on the sound of the water coming from the tap. After some seconds Steve shook me .

˝Come here, Hot Stuff. Time for bath.˝ he dragged me into the bathroom, Bucky trailing behind us. I took off my clothes and sunk into warm water. I let the water warm my shivering body, while my boyfriends got into some kind of argument and started splashing water on each other.

When the water cooled down, I dried myself with a towel and went opened the closet to find some clothes. My boyfriends walked behind me.

˝Don't worry about yours clothes, Tony. I put some into the dryer, so  they are nicely warm.˝ Steve said. I looked at him and a pyjamas he carried in his arms. 

˝I can't wear pyjamas in the lab.˝ They stared at me. Bucky shook his head.

˝Wait, you were planing on working today? You are sick Tony! You need rest!˝ 

˝I'm feeling a lot better now.˝ I argued. ˝I'm sure I can handle it, BuAchoo! Achoo!˝ Bucky laughed.

˝I think you have just proved my point, Stark.˝ Steve tossed clothes at me and went into the kitchen. When I got dressed, were Super soldiers already making breakfast. Steve was making his famous pancakes and Bucky was putting  some toast in the toaster. I sat down at the table and Bucky handed me my plate with some toast with butter and a cup of tea. 

˝Not Achoo! not hungry,˝ I murmured.  Steve walked over. 

˝At least drink some tea, dear.˝ I carefully took a few sips. Drink was hot, but it soothed my sore throat. My boyfriends sat next to me, munching on their breakfast. Steve stole some toast from my plate and feed Bucky with it. I laughed, but my laughter soon broke into fit of coughing. Bucky patted my back. 

˝Don't choke, please. If you die, the IQ of the group will drop rapidly.˝ Steve rolled his eyes. 

˝I won't.˝ I sneezed again.˝God, I hate being sick. I'm so tired,˝ I whined. 

˝Bed or couch?˝ asked Steve. Bucky yelled: ˝First on the couch get to choose the movie!˝, which probably meant we will sit on the couch. I walked into the living room, last, but they still let me choose the movie. It was useless anyway, because  I fell asleep after less than half of hour, cuddled between Steve and Bucky, soaking up warmth radiating from their bodies. 

After some time, Bucky woke me up with a bowl of soup. I glady ate it. I was starving now. 

˝Glad to see you got you appetite back. Are you feeling better?˝ I nodded, because it was true. I was really better, now that I got some more sleep and my headache was gone and I didn't felt like I'm going to freeze. I knew I'll need a few more days to be back at 100%, but maybe being sick wasn't that bad if it made two of my favourite people in the whole world take care of me. 

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