Meet My Family

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"Stop, i'm not playing these games", I said. Which made them laugh harder. I then got mad and went to the kitchen to get myself some water.Then i hear Bradley say,"Sorry dude we were just playing". I said,"That's why i said i ain't playing your games,"."Well then let's play a different about...truth or dare?", Noah said."Sure," I said.

We all sit on the sofa and start asking "truth or dare?" to each other. We always just say dare cause we ain't no chickens. I was dared to do a split when they know i ain't flexible. So we only played truth or dare the whole night and bought pizza, then fell asleep. Thank god my parents weren't home.

Rosalia's  POV

Damon dropped me off at my house and we hugged. I knocked on the door and saw my father looking very angry. I asked what was wrong and he told me that we needed to talk. Once he sat down he looked very serious. It was making me feel scared. He then smiled and said,"Who was that??". I told him that he was Damon, the guy i had a huge crush on. And he then called mom over, and of course my nosy big brother came to see what was going on. My dad told my mom and brother that i now am dating the guy i had a huge crush on. My mother looked very happy and asked,"When will he come over to meet us??". While my brother didn't look like he believed me, and he started questioning me so then i showed him Damon's contact and the texts from him. And he finally believed me.

"Hey can you come over to meet my parents tomorrow after school??" I texted Damon.

"Sure," Damon texted back.

"Mom,Dad,Josh!!! My boyfriend is coming tomorrow after school!" I yelled from upstairs.I could see my mom's face from upstairs and she looked really happy.

As for my brother.......he looked really annoyed. I started listening to music and quickly fell asleep. I didn't notice until i heard my alarm to wake up for school.

And i got all excited cause i got to see my boyfriend and best friend. I quickly had breakfast and then went walking to school. Today i wore a green champion crop top and grey joggers with white sneakers. And my hair in a high ponytail. I get to school and i see a lot of girls huddling in a circle so i tried to see what the heck was happening and squeezed in, as soon as i got in the front of the circle i saw they were all looking at Damon and as soon as i saw him he saw me and pulled me in for a hug and said,"Girls, i'll tell you guys this one time, i have a girlfriend, i'm taken, so stop trying, OK??". All of the girls were looking at me. They all looked pissed and looked as if they wanted to hurt me. Damon saw that i was afraid and said,"If any of you try to hurt her, you will regret it." I looked up at him and smiled to show my appreciation for what he said. We then started walking to class.

He took me to my first class which was P.E. Apparently today we didn't have to dress out since we were gonna watch a game. I didn't really have many friends in this class. But i did have a couple who were very nice an understanding. Their names were, Milly Carter, Renee Parker, Carly Simmons, and Bailey Gonzalez. These girls were some of the nicest girls I've met in my life. We all sat together on the bleachers and watched the boys play basketball. We were all sharing tea and then Bailey said," are dating Damon right? The guy you had such a big crush on?" and i said,"Yea."

They all were quiet and stared at me with a teasing grin and said,"awwwwWwwwwwwwwwwwww". Which made me think about him and made me blush.I then said,"shush."And we all laughed it off. Then we just kept on talking for the whole period.I then had to go to Science, i was excited since Damon was in that class. The second i stepped into that class i was pulled in for a hug by Damon, and the whole class was looking and a bunch of guys looked jealous and i saw that Damon looked satisfied by that. Science ended then i went to math and told Amelia, she was like,"OMG!i'm so happy for you!!!!"

Then after math i went to drama and we all started practicing our lines, i was the one with the most lines so i'm gonna have to memorize a lot of dialogue and basically everything that Cinderella is supposed to say. It was then the end of the day and i got super excited cause my boyfriend was coming over today, to my house! And he was gonna meet my family.

I went outside and saw Damon so i walked towards him and said,"Are you ready to meet my family?"

"I'm actually kinda nervous," he said.

"Why?" i said.

"Because you told me you had a big brother that is a black belt and a dad that knows krav maga," Damon said.

"It's fine as long as you don't hurt me," I said.

"OK then." he said while opening the door of his car to let me in. He was such a gentleman. He got in the car and he started driving to my house. We finally made it to my house and i held his hand while knocking on the door. Funny thing is that my dad opened the door. He was looking straight at Damon with judgement in his eyes, i rolled my eyes and said,"Stop acting like that dad." I walked in and pulled Damon in with me, we sat on the couch and my mom quickly came over and said,"Ooo Rose he's cute.""MOM!" i yelled at her while Damon and my mom chuckle. She then sticks out her hand for a hand shake and says,"Hi, i'm Erica Mendoza, Rosalia's mother."they shake hands then my dad comes closer and says," I'm Jose Mendoza, Rosalia's dad." Then my brother comes in an says,"And i'm Joshua, Rose's brother." They all introduced themselves and we then had dinner. After dinner we watched a movie till it was almost time for bed time.

Then they all said goodbye to Damon, my dad and brother both gave him a deathly stare, and i said i would see him out. We went outside and i said goodbye to him and gave him a hug, he also unexpectedly gave me a kiss on the cheek which made me a lot.

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