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Ezra P.O.V
There I was "on trial" in front of the rebellion. Why was I on trial? It is simple, I was promised that the rebellion would help me liberate Lothal from the empire but mission after mission went by and absolutely nothing was done to help my home planet, a few days ago we were ordered to hack into an imperial satellite dish so we could use it to scan their movements but I refused, I told them until something was done for lothal I wouldn't do anything for them. And now here we are, at my trial. "Ezra Bridger you are on trial for disobeying a direct order from your commanding officer, refusing to hack into the imperial satellite dish." Said Mon Mothma. " Aye I did refuse to do that but first I have a few things to say, One you are no officer you are a senator and I take my orders from those who actually fight in the field ! Two I was promised that the rebellion would help free Lothal but you keep on it pushing back as if nothing was wrong with it !" I said.  " I am not going to bother with what you just said and we are going to get straight to the point. All in favor off excluding Bridger from the rebellion raise your hands. " I looked around the room and saw the entire room raise their hands including Hera, Kanan and Zeb. "Those against" I saw as sabine was about to raise her hand but I gave her a look and she understood and didn't do it, but then I saw Rex raise his hand. " Very well Bridger is here by banished from the rebellion and joining him is Captain Rex." Said Mon Mothma.

A few minutes later I was in my room on the ghost gathering my things when I heard my door open and close, I turned around then felt a pair of lips on mine and I kissed back. We pulled away and I started seeing tears fall down Sabines cheeks, I used my thumbs to wipe them away. "Everything will be fine Sabine, I have recorded a message for you and left it on your room. When I am gone I want you to look at it, it explains everything that I am going to do and what I need you to do." I said and she nodded. "I am going to miss you Ezra." She said. "As will I, but I need you to stay strong and if the rebellion or the crew do anything to you or try to, contact me and I will come for you. I love you Sabine." I said. " I love you too!" she said as she kissed me. We stayed like that for a little while until I had to go. We were walking down the ramp, I saw the rest of the crew and then Rex standing there with his things. Hera the began to talk "Ezra we are so sorry we didn't..." "If I ever see you again, I will kill you three myself ! " I said with hate in my voice. She went to touch my cheek but before she could there was a shot and she pulled her hand back in pain, I looked over and saw Rex with his pistol in hand and smoke coming out of the barrel. "And the same goes for me." He said angrily. We both looked at the three and they turned around and walked away in fear. I looked over at Rex giving him a look that said to get on the ship, he understood and went over to Sabine and gave her a hug, I watched as they said their final goodbyes then he boarded the ship. I walked over to Sabine and wrapped my arms around her as she began to cry on my shoulder, I pulled away and wiped her tears away with my thumb then kissed her. " We will see each other again soon Sabine don't worry" I said with my forehead against hers, then kissed her one last time before boarding the ship and closing the ramp. I entered the cockpit and saw Rex in to co-pilots chair. "Where to Ezra?" He asked. " The only place we can go. Lothal." I said as I pushed the lever forward making the ship enter hyperspace.

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