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Kirishima POV

Today was the day, the day I've been waiting for since I got that letter in the mail. I don't think I've been this happy since I read those words, "Congratulations, Eijirou Kirirshima!"

I didn't need to read the rest of that letter. Well maybe I did, but I just couldn't see straight from all the excitement running through me. But none the less, I knew the most important part of that simple sheet of paper. It was going to change my life forever because I was going to go to the most prestigious music school around! Just thinking about UA makes my palms sweaty and my smile larger than life it's self!

I looked at myself in the mirror, making sure every strand in my hair was pushed up perfectly into large spikes on my head. I nodded to myself and smiled, winking to my reflection, "Lookin' manly", I said before walking over to the door of my bedroom. I grabbed my two bright red suit cases that matched my hair perfectly. What can I say, it's my favorite color.

"Eiji! Breakfast is ready!" I perked up when I heard my mom call me. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I thought about her great food. I opened my door and ran down the hall, with my suitcases rolling behind me. My mom smiled at me and then pojnted over to the dinner table, "Your Ma is still getting ready so you don't have to scarf it down like an animal"

I chuckled, grinning at my mom, and walked over to her, pecking her cheek "thanks mom", I said and then sat down at the diner table. I stared at the most beautiful plate of food I've even seen in my life. It was a full plate of scrambled eggs, with turkey bacon off to the side, but what was in the middle was the real award winner. There in the center of my dish sat a stack of freshly made pancakes, and to make it better there was a smiley face made out of strawberries and bananas on top.

It looked so good. How does she expect me not to eat everything in one bite, I thought to myself. But Mom does know best, so I tried my hardest to eat my food at a normal speed, I honestly think I did pretty well.

I heard loud footsteps rushing down the stairs, so I looked up from my gorgeous food to see none other than my Ma. She looked like she woke up late, which for her is actually really early. Her black hair was up in a messy bun, while the rest of her didn't look quite as messy. Ma was wearing a simple black blazer with a matching pencil skirt, and a white shirt tucked in. The only thing off was her still wearing her fuzzy slippers.

I watched as Ma walked up behind Mom and kissed her head sweetly, I really hope one day I could have a relationship like that. Whoever I end up with better watch out, because I'll make sure they never wake up without feeling loved!

My mom's are amazing, sure they argue sometimes, but that's just what happens sometimes. Normally when they fight though it doesn't last very long, normally they just need space.

Ma looked over at me from holding Mom and smiled, "you ready to go Ei? We should leave now so we can get you settled in", Ma stated with a nod. She then looked down at Mom for approval.

"Aika at least let him stay for a bit longer. This is the last time I'll be able to feed my baby breakfast until his next break", my Mom huffed up at her wife.

Ma glanced at me and just rolled her eyes. "Yua, darling, Eig is a big boy now. Plus-" she nodded her head towards the fake red head sitting at the table "-he already devoured his food."

I looked down at my plate and felt my face get hot, "really had to rat me out like that Ma?" I huffed before laughing. Soon enough both my parents joined in too. I smiled brightly before standing from my chair, carrying my dishes to the sink. I washed them neatly before putting them in the dishwasher, funny how we wash dishes just to put them in a machine to get washed again. I turned to both of them with a larger toothy grin "I'm ready!"

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