Ch1. "Off Myself"

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Kirishima POV

   I just stood there. My eyes fixed on the spiky head of blonde hair that stood only about 10 feet away from me. It was literally mind blowing how much they looked alike.

   My mind was so deep in thought that I didn't realize that my eyes were no longer looking at ash blonde hair. They were now looking into deep, crimson eyes. But those eyes weren't as soft looking- wait what?

   "The fuck are you looking at!? Why are you in my dorm!" I heard a loud booming voice scream at me and I blinked out of my thoughts.

   I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck nervously. Reaching out a hand for him to shake, I showed off my signature toothy grin. "Ah sorry about that bro! My name's Kirishima Eijirou! Looks like you're my new roommate!"

   He just glared at me, I couldn't tell whether he was joking or if he was seriously that scary. He then began throwing all of his neatly folding clothing into his black suit case.

   "Fuck this shit! I'd rather off myself than have a roommate!"

   I raised an eyebrow and entered the room, setting my bags on the bed across from his. "Dude I promise I'm not that bad! I bathe! And I'm super fun!" I smiled at him widely.

   He looked at me and made a tch sound before he started zipping up his bag. I frowned slightly and tilted my head. "Come on man are you really just gonna leave-" I was cut off by that snappy voice again.

   "You want me to stay in a dorm with some loser like you? Bullshit." He began to roll his suitcase out of the dorm. "Plus you have shitty hair and you talk too damn much."

   My eyes widened and I gasped dramatically. I touched my hair delicately before pointimg at him, "Hey! My hair isn't that different from yours!"

   "Are you calling my hair shitty!? You wanna die!?"

   Ok so maybe he really was scary but, for some odd reason I just couldn't help it. My lips parted in a large grin and I started to laugh softly. Slowly though that small chuckle turned into a wheeze.


   I waved my hands in the air and slowly calmed my laughter. "Sorry sorry! I didn't mean to laugh my man!"

   He glared at me from that nickname, he looked like he was about to scream at me again but was stopped by a voice. The voice, if you were wondering, was coming from the intercom that was in our room. I'm guessing that was for when they had announcements, but I figured that out on my own! It was definitely not because that's exactly what the voice was basically doing!

   "Hello all new students! Welcome to UA! As you all know this is a music boarding school where you get to stay for your last year of highschool! I'm Principal Nezu and I just wanted to give a warm welcome to our class! Most of you you should have arrived or have just arrived. Once you put away your things please look at your schedules that were sent to you via your email. You recieved this email on August 1st if you have trouble finding it!"

   I quickly grabbed and scrolled through my phone. I'm glad I kept that tab open so I didn't have to go through so much searching. With a relieved sigh I continued to listen, trying my hardest to ignore the growling blonde beside me.

   "If you look at your scheduling you will find your Homeroom! Please head to the room number of your teacher as soon as possible. There you will learn the rules and have any questions answered that you might have! Thank you, and have a great day and school year!"

   There was a click from the speaker and I guess that meant it was over. I glanced over the ashy blonde, his name he still hadn't given me yet, and smiled widely. "Well, I guess we gotta go then!"

   "Hopefully there's an answer to my fucking question" he said in a snappy tone. He began walking out of the door. The way he walked made me think he knew where he was going, plus I don't want to be alone to figure everything out. So I quickly followed out behind him, shutting the door on my way out.

   I tilted my head to the side, almost like a curious puppy, "What's your question?" I continued to walk but he seemed to be walking faster than me, how strange, he must just have long strides.

   "If murdering my roommate can get me kicked out", he grumbled. My eyes widened slightly but I decided to not freak out about it too much.

   "I think they'll have to ya know? Since that would be breaking the law and all man" I chuckled out.

   "Oh shut it Shitty Hair!" He snapped at me and shoved his hands into the pockets of his baggy pants. I looked him up and down and finally noticed what he was wearing. A black t-shirt with a skull on it with baggy orange sweatpants. He had chains on the sides of his sweatpants too, he seemed to have a pretty good sense of fashion. Kind of edgy I guess.

   I smiled widely at him and pressed the button to go down in the elevator. I hate silence, especially awkward silence. And that was my current situation at the moment.

   "Hey so bro-"

   "I'm not your bro hair for brains" he cut me off. He stared at the elevator and once it opened he walked lazily out into the commons area.

   I walked out beside and nodded my head. "Ok ok, got it. No bro." I walked in silence beside for about five seconds before breaking it again.

   "Hey so man-"

   "I'm not your man shit-"

   "Hey so homie?"

   "Not your homie, now shut the fu-"

   "Hey so budd-"

   "I swear to- SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I finally looked over at the blonde and burst out laughing. He looked so angry, but I bet he really wasn't.

   "Ya know this wouldn't have happened if you would just give me your name dude. Then I'll just call you by that!" I shrugged to him after my explanation and then smiled my big toothy grin.

   His big glare and tense stance softened a small bit, but it wasn't that noticeable. The only reason I saw it was because I was looking at him, definitely not staring.

   "Bakugou. Call me anything else though Shitty Hair, and I'll crack your skull" he snapped and then continued to walk down the hall. I followed after him with my grin and nodded.

   "Well I'm glad you know where you're going Bakugou! You do know where you're going right?"

   "Of course I do dumbass! Now shut the hell up before I set fire to your dumb hair!"

   I laughed at his threat. I could already tell that this year was going to be a long one for sure.


A/N: Hello! Hope you enjoyed this weirdish chapter! I've been pretty busy lately so that might be why this chapter has come out late. I have a lot of siblings to take care of and a job so it's a bit hard to just sit and write! But I will try my hardest to get chapters out more frequently! Anywho, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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