Chapter 0: Fallen Grace

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I woke up through part of the night. According to my phone's screen it was 1:27 AM. Getting up careful to not make any noise I tip-toed to the bathroom. After taking a shower I dressed into my night dress and opened the door. Floating just at eye level was Fall, her makeup was messed, her hair was like a rats nest, and she did not look happy at all.

"It is 1:30 in the morning. Your cat is doing his zoomies!" She said pointing at Tenebris running around the apartment for no apparent reason. He was quite unlike a cat in quite a few ways, but for some reason like a normal cat he does zoomies, running around his home anywhere from midnight to 2 AM.

"And you decide now is the time to take a shower? Waking me up! I need sleep too you crazy witch! Unlike you I work for a living and someone has to maintain this house while you are gone all day kicking it at your parents." She said finally spent and hovering. Her wings barely fluttering. Her wings contained magic that allowed her to fly even without flapping but still she usually remembered to flap her wings.

"Love you too Fall. Let's get you to bed." I said reaching out my hand. Palm flat and facing up a little platform for her to rest on. Now she sat on my hand her wings no longer flapping she collapsed onto my hand and fell asleep. Already snoring she laid on my hand warm and kinda soft and a little heavier than you would think for a doll sized fairy. Carrying her to her sleeping nook I laid her down and she continued to snore away as Tenebris zoomed away.

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