Until the Moment I Die

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You remembered it clearly. The first time you had met him.

It had been your first year at Hogwarts and although you were excited, a deep anxious feeling was settled into your gut. Being muggle-born meant that everything you were seeing was new to you. Every enchantment, ghost, and moving staircase. Every day at the castle was thrilling in its own way.

Despite entering a world full of wonder that you had never known before, not all was peachy. You quickly learned that like any society the wizarding world had its own separation of classes. As quickly as you had learned of it, you fell victim to an endless barrage of criticism and insults. Apparently in this world being a muggle-born witch or wizard was the worst crime you could unknowingly commit.

Just as you had found yourself diving deep into the wonders of this world you were roughly dragged to the surface and reminded of a place you never knew you held.

The bullying at school wasn't as bad as it could be, you supposed. It mostly consisted of petty insults and shoulder jabs in the hallway. Anything that they could do to rile you really. Your tormentors ranged from various boys and girls in your year, some even being from the years above. Typically they were those of the Slytherin house but it didn't matter to you, people were cruel because that's how they were raised to be. Not because of what house they were in; that aspect simply served as an excuse for cruel behavior and a justification for the other houses to hate them in particular.

It was a ridiculous thought though... to simply stand by and let these people treat you like human trash. Over something that you couldn't even help. You decided rather early in your first year that you wouldn't let yourself be their victim.

This particular day, however, the tormenting had been quite persistent. You were simply trying to make your way to your Potions class on time but a group of second-year snobs was making it a difficult task.

"Hey, there filthy mud blood" one of them called to you with a sneer. "Where are you headed to in such a hurry?" they asked while pushing you into a wall.

Two of them cornered you while the other stood behind them throwing insult after insult.

You only glared at them as they pathetically attempted to slander you. The whole act was growing rather boring and deciding that you had better places to be than listen to them ramble on, you pushed yourself past them.

Saying nothing as you barreled forward in anger you heard their quick footsteps rush up to you.

"Where do you think you're going?" They called after you, slightly out of breath from trying to keep up.

"Anywhere where you lot of idiots aren't" you growled angrily back at them.

You were sick of them and sick of this game. You didn't have time for their foolishness.

Turning corner after corner in an effort to lose them you finally found yourself nearing the dungeons and the trio of dickheads were finally off your tail.

Luckily you still had a few minutes to get to potions class; due to the fact that you pretty much jogged the whole way there.

Your eyes were fixated on the ground as you slowly made your way down the steps. You were so lost in thought that you didn't even notice the sound of someone else coming down the stairs until they knocked into you. Then the next thing you knew instead of seeing your feet you were looking up at the ceiling.

Realizing that you had just tumbled down the stairs you felt a rush of embarrassment course through you. Luckily you were almost at the bottom so it was unlikely you'd be hurt aside from a little bruising.

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