Adam your boring but your sexy

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I'm actually so pissed of I've just wrote this chapter and accidentally deleted it and can't find it smh


~bjs pov~

What just happened?
I think I must be dreaming well firstly my crush kisses me (for real this time tho and he didn't actually plan to kill me)
"So Adam how's life been since I've left" I questioned
"Pretty boring to be honest"said Adam whilst taking his shirt off
"I don't think it's going to be for much longer babe"
"And why is that"Adam  laughed
"Because I have a surprise for you " I smiled
"Aww my baby is smiling for once how cute you look cute but also sexy as you do "Adam truthfully stated
"HEY! I always look cute and sexy"I laughed Adam started to laugh with me and he responded with a simple but sweet
"I know"
"Come here you good looking bitch"I said laughing I then clicked my fingers and in a instance we were both naked
"Before you do anything I have one rule your not allowed to touch my hair " I said seriously
"Why's that ?" Adam smirked
"Because I said your not allowed too and if you do I will punish you" I raised my eyebrows in anger
"Ooh I like the sound of being punished"
"Get your good looking ass over here you son a bitch"I laughed  pulling him closer too me I started kissing him passionately and as I did he started to wrap his legs around my body his legs where a bit cold but that didn't matter because I didn't give a fuck I was about to loose my virginity to my crush I grabbed his ass cheek and he put his hand in my hair  whilst the other one was around my neck, around 40 seconds later we stopped and new it was time
"Babes your gonna have to be quiet now one... two... three"
"Agh"Adam moaned
"Harder baby harder"
"Ooohh that feels good"
We're the noises that were filling the room

~Adams pov~

About an hour later me and  Beetlejuice  had finally finished fucking. We cleaned up and got dressed
"Hey baby "I said "do you want to watch a movie"
"Yes sweetie I would love to"Beetlejuice said whilst cupping my cheek
"I'll go get the snacks "cheerfully cheered
"Not so fast" his voice added he gave me a kiss and told me I could go now
I slowly walked out the door blushing and when I knew he wasn't looking I ran as fast a could and out the popcorn in the microwave  and put m&Ms in a bowl I put on some music whilst I grabbed the alcohol and soda and started to dance around a bit until I felt a cold hand go on the side of my hip and I felt a soft kiss on my forehead I laughed and turned around
"That's arkward isn't it "I laughed
"No not at all"Beetlejuice smirked
He then took my hand and started to twirl around with me I felt his hand stroke my face and we both lent in to kiss and then PING the popcorn was done we both laughed and I said to Beetlejuice "you go upstairs whilst I carry all this up.."
"Nope" he said and clicked his fingers and as if by magic he had teleported all the food upstairs
"I have a surprise for you baby"bj smiled
"Again Beetlejuice that's twice in one day"I laughed
"Oh shut up he said"sarcastically whilst blindfolding me he kissed my forehead and guided me upstairs into the bedroom
"One the count off three I want you to take your blind fold off "
He counted too three and I pulled my blindfold off
"Oh my Satan " I shouted
Beetejuice had made the bed and  covered it in rose petals
"Beetejuice where are you?"
"Look up and too your left"
And there he was the man of my dreams with a rose in his mouth with a shirtless body that had black pants on, he even combed his hair to the side  ,I was so happy I ran into him like a Little girl and squealed ,he kissed me and told me to go into bed ,he had Closed the door and jumped into bed with me and sat in-between my legs I wrapped my arms around him a placed a soft kiss on his head just then his hair had turned pink
"Urm babe don't get mad at me but I think I've broke you"
Beetejuice laughed at me"you've made me broke but you haven't broke me,you see my hair changes coulor with what mood I'm in"
"And it's pink"I laughed"you look like a Barbie doll
"Oh shut up he said pinching my ass"
"Owch do it again"
"You are quite the mischievous one aren't you"
We laughed

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