New Desires

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It was a slow day for the Radio Demon, staying at the Hazbin Hotel. Not many demons checked in. Thus, things were just moving too slow, much to Alastor's disliking. If he wanted to help Charlie out with the hotel and stay entertained, he had to do something, right? After all, boredom WAS one of the main catalysts for his participation. What's the point of 'helping' at the hotel, when no fallen soul seeked redemption?

He strained a smile, as he worked on some paperwork at the front desk. His fingers pinched tightly against the pen as he wrote. Alastor futilely attempted to hide his frustration with the sheer amount of papers he had to fill out for the hotel, and the fact that not a single demon checked in made his frustration worse.


Angel Dust sat in the backseat of a car, as he counted his oh so precious druggie money. The spider smiled devilishly, his golden tooth reflecting every passing streetlight. Angel had been out enjoying himself, earning his keep for most of the day. He was finally heading back to the not-so busy hotel. Business at the hotel was noticeably slow, but Angel didn't exactly care. After all, he was able to sneak out of the hotel, most of the time. Nowadays, Charlie and Vaggie were always out, trying to persuade people to check in to the hotel. So far, none had taken their offer. Which was really only good news to Angel.

The busty demon noticed the hotel getting closer, so he quickly slipped the money into the confines of his fluff. Angel got out of the car once it screeched to a halt.

He made his way to the front door. The arachnoid cautiously peeked through the glass pane, making sure that no one was in the lobby. It looked to be vacant, free of usual hotel hustle. "Perfect.." Angel said, as he entered the hotel, whistling in relief. He wasn't even halfway across the room, when he heard someone clear their throat. Angel froze on the spot, and turned to the voice.

Alastor looked up from his mind numbing paperwork, and grinned, "And where were you?" He said, stretching the word "where".

Angel Dust crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged, "Nowhere that concerns you, deer boy." He sneered as he noticed Alastor's eye twitch in annoyance to the nickname.

The striped demon quickly composed himself and stood from his seating position. He walked over to the mocking demon and leaned in quite close to his face, "Oh, but it does concern me, quite a lot actually, considering Charlie and her partner aren't in the hotel right now. And you know Husker is probably passed out drunk at the bar right about this moment." Alastor turned his back to Angel, taking a few steps towards his desk, before turning his head. "So dear fellow, I'm technically obligated to know what you're up to, because i'm the one in charge of this hotel at the moment." He said a matter-a-factly, with a smug smile, knowing he was in the right.

The stammering demon looked down and tried to think of a comeback, but to no avail. He just scoffed, "Well.. Whatever." Angel said as he looked at Alastor with an annoyed expression.

Alastor stared back with a smug expression, as he stared into the arachnoid's two hot pink eyes. The longer Alastor stared into Angel's eyes, the more Angel began to feel a certain type of emotional tension within himself.

Angel felt his expression soften, as he realized how much of a turn on Alastor's smug grin was. It started to make him feel a type of feeling he could only describe as butterflies. He felt a blush creep onto his face as he looked away.

Alastor noticed Angel's liking towards him, and also looked away, as a light blush formed on his face as well. He adjusted himself and turned his gaze away from Angel, much to the feminine demon's dismay.

"W-Well, I should get back to my work then!" The red suited radio demon declared, as he flashed an awkward smile towards Angel. He reached the front desk and sat back in his chair. Alastor began writing and signing countless papers once more, leaving a flustered and confused Angel Dust standing in the middle of the lobby room.

Angel quickly snapped back to reality and pretty much ran to his room, slamming his door in the process. He panted and leaned on the door, trying to process what had just happened between him and his crush, his face still a blushing mess.

Alastor was also thinking about the event that had occurred seconds ago. His heart had sped up and he had felt.. strange. A feeling he hadn't felt before. He didn't know for sure what it was.

What he did know for sure - something they both pondered - was that they wanted to lean forward just a little more...

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