Chapter Five-The Choices and Consequences

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Hello, Lovelies, 

I hope everyone is having a great day!  Thank you for reading Enticed!  I appreciate all of you so much.  These stories were some of the first that I wrote when I became an author.  So, they are precious to me.  

I hope you enjoy this chapter.  If you do, votes and comments are appreciated.  If you have questions, comment or send me a message.

-XXXX Amanda 


  I shook as I struggled to catch my breath as I stared down into Luc's face. My heart trembled as I sank beside him and grabbed his hand in mine, hoping that he would sense my presence amongst the chaos of people searching for help. Tears fell from my unblinking eyes as I tried to find some way to save him. Sophia's cries reached me as I shook my head trying not to give into the panic.

"No," I whispered as I trembled. I tried to force my mind to do something but I still did not know what that was. His hand tightened around mine and my heart clenched as every kindness he had ever committed for me came to mind. Desperation took me as I begged him over and over again to stay with me.

"Please don't die...Please," I sobbed as my tears fell from my face onto him.

Tamas knelt beside Luc as his eyes began to close. I would have screamed if Tamas hadn't spoken, giving me the hope I did not have moments before, "There's a way," He said with wide eyes. I blinked as I pulled my gaze from Luc's face to look at Tamas. I swallowed hard. His voice was hoarse as he continued, "It will save him but only you can do it."

Luc's eyes had closed and his breathing had become labored. The shivering arrow had nearly stopped. In that moment, I didn't care what it was. I wanted to save him.

"Anything," I said, raising my eyes to meet Tamas'. My heart pounded in desperate need as I held my breath, waiting for him to tell me what I could do.

"The blood bond," he said, shifting, slightly as he gazed down at his brother before returning his gaze to me. His chin rose slightly, "It will save him."

I blinked rapidly as I realized the truth. I inhaled sharply and touched my lips as my eyes widened. I would have to choose between binding myself to Luc in a way that was stronger than death or let him die. My lips trembled as I closed my eyes. My parent's faces floated in front of me and I realized that I couldn't lose someone else even if I had only just met them. In just a few short days, the Brazils had become my family and I needed every single one of them but I needed Luc the most.

Slowly, I opened my eyes with my decision made and nodded to Tamas, "How do I do it?"

Tamas raised his chin as he reached into his pocket pulled a knife from its confines. His gaze darkened as he the lines in his face tightened. With a sharp flick of his wrist, he opened the blade, causing me to flinch. His eyes met mine as he handed me the knife.

"Slice across the wrist," Tamas said as I grasped the knife's handle tightly in my hand. I took a deep breath steeling myself for the pain and slid it across the tender skin. Blood sprang from the wound in an instant.

"Now, let him drink from you," he said, softly as everyone ran around us, trying to find help. Neither Tamas nor I paid any attention to them as he continued to speak, "When he begins to heal, I'll pull the arrow out."

My heart pounded as I nodded with wide eyes. I returned my gaze to Luc's face. Fear that he would be angry slammed through me but his possible anger was not enough to let him die. I placed the gash to his lips and instantly, he began to drink. I heard an intake of breath and I glanced up to see Sophia with her mouth opened in shock. Indecision broke across her face and I knew she was struggling with the decision to stop me or save her son. Either way, it was too late. I sensed the bond strengthen and Tamas' pull of the arrow. A sharp intake of breath caused me to gaze back down into Luc's face as he opened his eyes. I pulled my wrist away as an expression of complete horror crossed his face.

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