Chapter One: On the Run

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Todoroki was many things. A scholar, having excelled at his private tutoring and lessons. A nobleman, having shown selflessness upon several occasions. A soon to be king, excellent at diplomacy and and battle strategy. However, a brown smudge was not something he wanted added to this list as he hurtled through the air. The makeshift paper wings seemed to be holding up ok, and thanks to the warm updrafts produced by his fire he was staying afloat. Guards circled down below, each hesitating to notch the first arrow to bring him down. If the prince was hurt, every guard worth his salt knew that the same would be done to them ten times over. As the sharp spindles of the tall pines started to enclose todoroki, he shot out a column of ice, using it like a long jumper to fling himself further from the hell hole of the castle. He cast back one look, and smiled as he saw his fathers room alight with the oranges and reds he knew so well. Clutching his mothers iced note to his chest, he curled into a fetal position and tumbled downward. The thundering of footsteps miles away and the lighting of torches confirmed what Todoroki was to do. Run.

At a glance, Todoroki seemed to have nothing to run from. A prince of high intellect, born into both power and wealth. From the moment he entered the world, everything was done for him, or what was meant to be for him. Royal balls 'hosted' by him, hunting parties that followed his dogs, and parades thrown in his family's honour. However, Todoroki had also known from a young age that deep down, everything was for his father. Royal balls were excuses to get off his face without seeming like a drunkard, hunts an outlet for his anger and sadism and parades were the food to his ego. Truly, Todoroki couldn't give a damn about any of that. All he cared about was getting through his dreary life that had already been planned out, every minute accounted for in his father's grand scheme. You could ask anyone, and they would say that the Todorokis had everything. The land, the crown, the money, the fame. But it was what they didn't have that made Todoroki leave everything.

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