Chapter 6: First Impressions

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"H-hey! How can I help you if you slit my throat?"
Izuku stared at the ceiling, beads of sweat popping up on his forehead. He was trying to keep his cool, although that's hard when a sharp sword is pressed to your jugular.
"Look... please remove the sword... I can't do much for you in bed"
The intruder paused, clearly weighing up the options. After a few nail biting seconds, Izuku felt the sword slowly lift, taking a large inhale as he felt the pressure alleviate.
"N-now get up. And hands up"
Izuku obliged, legs swinging out from under the covers. Once fully stood, he finally began to get a good look at his attacker.
He wasn't expecting someone so... handsome. Grey and blue eyes, like a glacier, stare straight into his own forest green ones through a curtain of red and white hair. His brows were furrowed slightly, wrinkling the pale skin that laid across his angular bones. The feature that surprised Izuku the most was a large burn scar that covered the top left of his face. Some kind of accident? Whatever... it's not important right now. The giant sharp sword currently trained at his chest, however, was.
The mystery intruder glared, re-aiming his weapon to Izuku's stomach
"I demand your help. I need protection and a place to stay."
His words sounded almost rehearsed, like he was playing a character. Although he was in theory in a better position, Izuku could sense his high heart rate, and could hear a slight tremor in his voice. The intruder's eyes stayed focused on Izuku's face, marking every single tiny twitch and movement. Whoever this person was, they didn't have much of a plan.
"A-alright... Just give me a second..."
With a deep sigh, as though he was about to yawn, Izuku let his eyes flutter shut.
He hoped the swordsman wouldn't notice the tiny spark that flickered from his fingertips, his magic activating. In his minds eye, a misty outline of the boy in front of him formed, different areas glowing in correspondence with the energy focused there. His hands glowed brightest of all, a clear indication of the focus he was exhibiting. And perfect for Izuku to mess with.
Without warning, Izuku flung his hands forward. He guided the energy through the intruder's body, pushing it to his back. It was always easier to do this when they weren't expecting it. In this case, it worked a little too well. The swordsman went flying backward, his weapon clattering on the floor as its owner slammed into the wall. Kicking it across the floor, Izuku didn't give him a chance to try and fight back, pulling him up like a puppet on strings and slamming him into an old rocking chair nearby. The boy was so dazed he didn't even try to fight back, eyes glassy as he was quickly bound. Izuku didn't want to give him any opportunity to fight back.
Once he was sure he was secure, Izuku stood back, allowing him to properly come too. He had some... questions to ask him.
And he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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