Chapter 5 - I Hate Baseball

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~* Whizzer's POV *~

The quiche tasted really fucking good. Maybe it's just the fact that I haven't had anything in my mouth other than other guys dicks and sperm, but baked egg and ham was just what I needed.
Marvin drove in silence, which gave me time to review how my plan could still work. Step one: arrive hot and late. That step would be a little more difficult than it needed to be, especially since the mint shirt I was wearing was wrinkled from being on Marvin's floor for so long. What did I tell him about hanging clothes up?

I picked up Jason's phone again, looking at the wallpaper. It was a picture of him, Mendel and Trina. The whole image was painfully staged, and it looked like not a single one of them was smiling for real. 

His home screen was another story, though. It was a very blurry selfie of Jason on Mendel's back, with both Marvin and Trina looking like they were having heart attacks. It was funny, and showed the true nature of their family more than the lock screen. 

That Ryan kid had sent a few more messages, each of them attacking poor Mendel. It took a lot for me to not respond with some roast about his white-ass name. But I decided not to murder a child. 

"You'll have to give Jason's phone to Trina," I broke the silence, setting his phone back down.
Marvin nodded, not taking his eyes off the road. "Speaking of phones, can you take mine and text Charlotte or Cordelia and tell them we're going to be late? They like to complain to me about the umpire."

How stereo-typically lesbian of them to like sports. I picked up Marvin's phone. He still had the factory background. Weird. I expected at least Jason. 

"Let me unlock it," he quickly added. Marvin pressed his index finger against the home button, revealing another factory set background, and only the standard apps. How lame. 

I scrolled through his messages, to see that he had a grand total of 5. Jason, Trina, Mendel and "💛Doctor C💛" "🧡A Good Cook I Swear🧡". I guessed the lesbians made their own contacts. 

I clicked on Charlotte's contact. I paused a moment to think of how Marvin would write, then typed: 

'Hello! Sorry to say but I'm running a little late today, so I won't be at Jason's baseball game for a while. Sincerely, Marvin Cohen.'

I chuckled to myself before pressing send. Almost instantly, the three dots popped up to show that Charlotte was typing. 

'all good here. theyre still jewish boys who cannot play baseball 🙄'

"She said it's all good," I relayed.


For my plan to work I needed to arrive later than Marvin. So when he pulled up and waited for me to open the door so he could lock it, I said,

"Actually. I'm going to take a second, if that's alright."

"Yeah! Of course. Just remember to lock the doors."

Marvin always has this weird thing about locking doors. He always had to lock them 4 times exactly. If he accidentally did it one more then he'd have to do 8.

He hopped out, slamming the door behind himself.

Step one: almost complete. I just needed sunglasses to whip off at the right moment. I searched Marvin's glasses compartment, but I should've known better than to hope.

I turned to the back seat, where one of my leather jackets was laying. Oh thank god. I didn't know if I could do anything without my jacket. Besides, the wrinkles were noticeable in the sunlight, and the jacket would help cover that up. 

Well I had to get out soon, or else there wouldn't be a game to win.


"I hate baseball, I really do."

"Maybe if these kids would take it more seriously you'd like it."

"It is kinda weird how he swings the bat."

"And why does he have to-"

"Slide, Jason! Slide, Jason, slide."

I took the shouting as my cue to walk up.

A/N: I know this is super short, but I wanted to get something out, especially since my posting dates have been.......less than great. Real talk though, the next few chapters are planned out, and have a lot more fluff!!!! So please stay tuned :)

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