As planned, Awsten and I had coffee at 3 o'clock. He ordered some type of frappuccino or something of the sort. I had mije black. We chatted for a long time, during that time, I realized his eyes are two different colors.
     Afterwards, he dropped off at my house and walked me to my door.
     The next day, I got up and went to fetch Charlie as usual. About half way through our walk, I realized that relationships don't always last, but your bond with a pet is forever. If things didn't work with Awsten, I didn't want to lose Charlie. So, after we walked our usual path, I didnt drop him at his house, I snuck him into my backyard, then through my back door. I went into my house quickly grabbed some clothes, some money, ironically enough, it was the money I had earned from walking him, and some food. We got into my car and headed out of Texas, at first I wasn't sure where we'd go, but then I remembered I had family in California. I texted Awsten the simple words "I'm sorry.".
At least I had Charlie.

The Next Door Down// GawstenWhere stories live. Discover now