Chapter 1: The Meeting

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The boys arrived at their dance studio for a production meeting. "I am so excited! says, Justin. "Who knows what we're going to do for our music video" says, JC. "I bet we're gonna dive down into the ocean, go skydiving and climb up a very tall mountain!" beams, Chris. After hearing those words, Lance suddenly got a chill down his spine. JC looked at him. "Are you ok?" he asks. "Yeah. I'm fine" says Lance. "I bet we're gonna do a remake of the Superman franchise!" says, Joey, who, in fact, is a big fan of Superman. "No no no! We're NOT doing a Superman music video!", Chris protests. "Yeah!", Justin agreed. "Why?!?!" asks Joey. "Because it's stupid" says Chris. Joey glared at him. "So Lance, what do you think we're gonna do for our music video?" asks JC. "Um...." Lance began. "I...don't know" he said. Just then, their director, Wayne Isham, walked into the studio. "Ok. So i have some ideas for the music video". "What is it?" asks Chris. "Well..." Wayne began. "So, all of you will be dancing in this blue, rotating room, where you guys will be sliding down the walls, walking on the ceiling etc. That's where you're doing your dance. Next, you guys are gonna be puppets controlled by an evil puppet master. It's like your slogan, "no strings attached". "Ohhhhh" said the guys. "Then, when she cuts the strings, you guys are launched into different situations where you're trying to get away from the girl. Joey and Chris will be running on a train..." "Alright trains whooo!" yelled Joey. "Running?! On a train?!" Chris stammered. Chris knew that he was afraid of heights. But running on top of a train was way worse. "Then, Justin, you will be running inside a warehouse with the girl chasing after you with some dogs". "Oh boy. Runnin with the dogs" muttered Justin. "And finally, Lance and JC will be in a car chase, with the girl following you in her car. JC, you get to drive. "I will?!" asks JC "Yes". "Oh yeah! Whoo!" cheered JC. Lance just looked at him and said, "um...ok".

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