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Bakugou's Home
-No ones pov-

    Bakugou held the door open for you letting you in first.

"Oi! We're home!" He yelled taking off his shoes and placing his jacket on the rack.

"We're? Is Kirishima with you?" A women's voice called from another room.

   "No you old hag! It's y/n." A women who looks exactly like Bakugou came around the corner. With her hands on her hip. Her expression once angry turned into a sweet one.

   "Awe a girl! Bakugou barely bring homes girls!"

   "Shut it you old hag!" You watched as his mother smacked his head.

   "Uh...uhm hi I'm Y/n L/n!" You spoke loud enough to stop the loud bickering. The mother looked up giving her son one more slap.

   "It's nice to meet you sweetie! I'm making dinner right now. Katsuki where's the things I asked you to get?" Bakugou grumbled tossing her the bag and begin walking upstairs. You watched him.

   "Thank you for having me Mrs. Bakugou." You bowed. She let out a laugh patting your shoulder.

   "Please call me Mitsuki! My husband which he is in the front room, call him Masuru." Younodded.

   "Is it okay if I go upstairs with Bakugou?" She nodded and told you which room to go to.

    When you walked up the stairs you saw some photos of them together. You smiled. Once you reached the top floor you saw one of Bakugou as a baby. You let out a small laugh.

   "You look creepy laughing to yourself." You jumped and saw Bakugou standing by his door. Your face lit up in embarrassment.

   "Come on you can sit in here with me." You walked over passing him into his room.

  "Wow! Your room is so clean!"

"Of fucking course it is! If it's a damn mess I won't be able to find anything." He spoke flopping down onto his bed. You kept looking around his room.

   "You like to cook?" You noticed a few cooking magazines. Bakugou sat up placing his chin on his hand.

  "Yeah, I bought some things to make dessert. We can make it later before I need to take you home." You smiled walking over to him. He looked up at you confused. You sat down next to him hugging him closely. His body tensed up.

   Once again. The red string appeared. Bakugou's eyes soften and hugged back.

  "Thank you for being here with me." You mumbled into his chest.

Bakugou lifted your face up by your chin. His red eyes meeting your (e/c) ones. He took in every feature. You both inching closer. His nose touched yours. Both of y'alls lips barely brushing against each other.

   "Kids! Dinner is ready!!" You both jumped by the sudden noise.
Bakugou jumped up turning away. Clearly trying to hide his blush.

   "Come on dumbass. Let's hurry up." You sighed getting up. You followed him downstairs.

  "You damn hag! Always so noisy!"
"Bakugou don't speak to your mother like that." You pinched his cheeks.

  His mother just stood there very confused. She just stared at you with a smile on her face.

"Katsuki why can't you have manners like her!" Mitsuki groan placing the plates on the table.

They argued throughout dinner.

After dinner

   You decided to help clean up after dinner with Mitsuki. She told you that you didn't need to, but you insisted. As you scrubbed the dishes, Mitsuki was wiping the counter.

  "You know y/n," she broke the silence, "my son is very fond of you. He never acted like this before with anyone."
You looked at her wondering by what she meant.

"My son is a damn hot head. He thinks he's better then everyone in this whole world." She scoffed tossing the rag into a basket. She took your place for dishes.

  "What I am saying sweetie, is that he is different with you. He isn't as violent. I seen how he looked at you. Hell I'll be damn if you two were soul mates!" She laughed. You stood there shook rubbing your finger where the string normally would be.

   "Thank you Mitsuki." You hid your small blush with your hands.
You went back upstairs to find Bakugou.

"He said he was gonna be in the shower. I wonder if he is out yet."

You peaked into the room before walking in. Whew he isnt naked in here...
You sat on his bed holding his pillow. Laying down staring at the ceiling, you thought about you and Bakugou's relationship.

"Sometimes I wonder if he does really like me. Or is he forcing himself to be like this because of the string." You grumbled to yourself cuddling the pillow.

"His hands are rough, but gentle." You giggled turning to face the wall.

"Hey dumbass." You jumped up tossing the pillow away.

"I wasn't cuddling anything!" He looked at you weirdly before snickering to himself. You didn't notice at first, but he had on only his shorts.

"Ah! Put your shirt on!" You covered your eyes. You got pin to the bed.

"Awe I thought you was enjoying the view!" You blushed madly. He placed his hands on your waist. Causing you to much even more.

"Hah! Take this!" He started to tickle your stomach. You squirmed laughing loudly pounding your fist onto his chest.

"No!! Stop it!!" You laughed trying to move out of his grasp.

  He finally stopped getting off of you letting you catch your breath. You went to roll away from him, but he only brought you back. You kept on and he finally got annoyed.

"Dammit y/n stop leaving!" He grabbed you placing yourself in his lap. He wrapped his arms around you so you won't get away. You felt him place his head on your shoulder. You both were now sitting in silence. A good comfortable silence.

  "Hey Baku-" you went to turn your head somewhat only to be met with a pair of soft lips.

   Bakugou's eyes widen along with yours. You got up standing up.

"Oh...my...goodness...Bakugou I didn't mean to- I didn't mean to kiss you i swear!" As you were speaking he was getting up. His body towering over yours.

  "Your lips just so happen to be right there when i turn and i ju-"

"You talk to damn much."
Before you could speak, he place his lips on yours once again. You stood there shocked.

He's kissing me...

"Bakugou?" He kept his forehead on yours his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful. Really Bakugou didn't want to open his eyes because he was afraid what would happen next. But that's the point of falling in love with the person you love right? Finding out what is next and what is to happen after this?

"A Wrong Number" Bakugou x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now